acpi | |
adduser | |
arch | |
badblocks | searches a device (usually a disk partition) for bad blocks. |
basename | prints the last part of a directory (usually the file) and optionally removes a file's suffix. |
base64 | Encoding to and from Base64. |
bc | Compare with dc |
blockdev | Call block device ioctls. |
cal | displays calendars. |
cat | concatenates files and prints them on stdout. |
chage | changes a user's password expiry information. |
chattr | |
chfn | changes a user's full name (and other information commonly referred to as *finger information) |
chmod | to change the file mode bits |
chpassswd | changes user passwords in batch mode. |
chgpasswd | changes group password in batch mode. |
chroot | changes the root directory. |
chsh | to change a user's default login shell. |
cmp | |
column | |
cp | copies files and directories. (Compare with mv and rm ) |
cpio | copies files to and from archives. |
cut | |
date | |
dc | reverse-polish notation desk calculator with arbitrary precision. Compare with bc |
dd | read from an input file stream and to write to an output file stream; perform encoding conversions. |
debugfs | is an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem debugger. |
df | displays the amount of available space on a file system. |
diff | compares file line by line. |
dig | |
dircolors | |
dirname | removes the last part of a path (usually a file) |
dmesg | prints or controls the kernel ring buffer. |
dos2unix | |
du | |
dumpkeys | |
dumpe2fs | prints ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem superblock information. |
efivar | |
evtest | |
expect | is able to communicate with other programms. |
expiry | checks and forces the current password expiration policy |
exportfs | |
expr | |
e2fsck | checks an ext2/ext3/ext4 file system. |
e2undo | replays the undo log of an ext2/ext3/ext4 Filesystem. |
factor | |
faketime | |
faillog | examines /var/log/faillog to analyze failed login attempts or set login failure limits. |
false | |
fc-match | reports which font will be used if a specific font (name) is requested |
fc-list | lists installed fonts. |
fdisk | |
file | |
find | searches for files underneath a file/directory hierarchy. |
findmnt | Lists all mounted filesystems or searches for a filesystem. Compare with mount |
fmt | |
free | reports the amount of free and used physical and swap memory. |
fsck | checks and repairs a file system. |
fuser | identifies processes that are using files or sockets. |
gdisk | |
getconf | |
getent | finds entries in name service switch libraries. |
getfacl | |
getkeycodes | prints the kernel mapping from scancode to keycode. |
gphoto2 | Access file systems of digital cameras. |
grep | print lines that match a basic regular expressions. |
groupadd | |
grub-install | |
grub-mkconfig | |
grub-mkimage | |
grub-mkrescue | |
grub-probe | |
grub-setup | |
gsettings | |
gfvs-copy | |
gzip | Compress files. Compare with compress |
head | |
hdparm | |
history | |
host | |
hostname | |
hwclock | |
hwinfo | |
iconv | |
id | prints real and effective user and group ids. |
ifconfig | |
ifup | brings a network interface up. |
info | to read Info documents. |
insmod | inserts a kernel module into the kernel. Compare with modprobe |
iostat | |
ip | show / manipulate routing, network devices, interfaces and tunnels. |
ipcs | shows infomration on IPC facilities. |
iscan | |
iw | shows and manipulates wireless devices and their configuration. |
journalctl | prints log entries from systemd's journal. |
kill | terminates a process. |
killall | kills processes by name. |
lastlog | reports the most recent login of all users or of a given user. |
ld | |
ldconfig | |
ldd | prints which shared libraries an executable or shared libary requires. |
ln | to make links between files. |
loadkeys | |
locale | gets locale-specific information |
localectl | |
localedef | compiles locale definition files. |
locale-gen | |
locate | |
logger | enters messages into the system log. |
login | starts a session |
lpadmin | configures CUPS printers and classes. |
lpinfo | lists available devices and drivers that are known to the CUPS server. |
ls | shows the contents of a directory. |
lsattr | |
lsblk | |
lsb_release | |
lscpu | |
lshw | lists hardware |
lsmod | displays loaded kernel modules. |
lsof | lists open files |
lspci | lists all connected PCI devices. |
lsscsi | |
lsusb | lists USB devices. | | is a script to populate OpenSSL's CApath from a bundle of PEM formatted CAs. |
man | shows the content of a man page in a shell. |
mcookie | creates a magic cookie for xauth . |
mdadm | Manage RAID devices using the Linux md driver |
md5sum | computes an MD5 message digest or checks a file against the previously created message digest. |
mkdir | |
mktemp | create temporary files or directories |
mkinitcpio | |
mknod | |
mkswap | to set up a swap space |
modinfo | |
modprobe | adds or removes kernel modules to/from the kernel. Compare with insmod |
mount | Compare with findmnt |
mv | Renames («moves») files or directories, compare with cp and rm ) |
namei | |
nc | A command for «just about everything under the sun invovling TCP, UDP or UNIX-domain sockets. |
ncal | |
nload | Display the current network usage |
nmcli | |
numfmt | convert numbers from and/or to human readable representations. |
nproc | Reports the number of CPUs available to the current process. |
nslookup | |
od | dumps files in octal and other formats (such as hex numbers). |
par | |
parted | |
passwd | to change a user's password. |
paste | |
perf | |
patch | |
pgrep | finds processes by their name and attributes, compare with ps |
pidof | finds a process's process id. |
pkg-config | Information about installed libraries. |
pmap | reports the memory map of a process. |
pr | Paginate or columnate text files for printing |
prtstat | prints statistics about a process. |
ps | shows a snapshot of the current processes, compare with pgrep |
pstree | prints the current processes as a tree. |
pwconv | creates a /etc/shadow file from a /etc/passwd file. |
pwd | Returns the current working directory. |
pv | Display progress of data flowing through a pipeline |
realpath | prints a relative path into an absolute path. |
recode | |
resize2fs | is an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem resizer. |
rev | reverses the characters of a line. |
rm | removes files or directories (compare with cp and mv ) |
rmdir | |
rsync | Tool to copy files |
rtacct | is a network statistics tool. |
seq | |
setfacl | |
setfont | loads an EGA/VGA console font. |
setterm | sets terminal attributes |
setxkbmap | |
shuf | Permutate lines from stdin and write result to stdout. |
showkey | |
shutdown | Halt, power-off or reboot the machine |
sgdisk | |
sort | sorts lines of text files. |
[ | |
ss | Another utility to investigate sockets |
su | substitutes the user or group to run another command. |
startx | a front end to xinit |
stat | |
strace | Traces system calls and signals. |
strings | Finds sequences of printable characters |
stty | Print or change terminal settings. Compare with tty |
sudo | executes a command as anonther user, typically as root. |
sudoreplay | replays sudo session logs. |
swapon | |
sync | synchronizes cached writes to persistent storage. |
sysctl | modifes kernel parameters at runtime. |
systemctl | controls the systemd system and service manager. |
systool | |
tac | prints the lines of a file in reverse order. |
tail | |
tar | archives a set of files into one file, sometimes to be compressed by gzip . |
tee | view a command's output and writing it to a file, too. |
test | can be used to check certain file characteristics (such as readability) and to compare values (for example in if statements) |
testparm | |
timedatectl | |
top | displays the most CPU intensive processes. |
touch | |
tput | |
tr | translates or deletes characters. |
tree | Show content of directories in a tree like format (indented etc). |
true | |
truncate | Resize a file to given size |
type | |
tzselect | selects a timezone. |
udevadm | A udev administration tool. |
umount | unmounts file systems. |
uname | print system information such as computer and kernel name or CPU info |
ufw | |
uniq | |
umask | |
update-ca-certificates | updates /etc/ssl/certs with the certificates that are configured in /etc/ca-certificates.conf . |
update-grub | |
uptime | how long has the system been running now. |
usb-devices | prints details of USB buses and the devices that are connected to them. |
usbip | The USB/IP client |
usbipd | The USB/IP Server |
useradd | to create a new user or update default new user information. |
userdel | |
slabtop | displays kernel slab cache information in real time. |
tty | Prints the name of the terminal connected to STDIN. Compare with stty |
tload | graphically shows the system load average. |
valgrind | debugs and profiles Linux executables. |
vigr | is used to edit /etc/group . |
vipw | is used to edit /etc/passwd . |
visudo | is used to edit the sudoers file. |
vmstat | reports virtual memory statistics. |
w | shows logged in users, when they logged in and what they're doing. |
watch | can execute a program in regular intervals |
wc | Count words, bytes and/or new lines. |
which | Locates executables or scripts in the directories referenced by the environment variable $PATH . |
who | shows logged in users. |
whois | |
wmctrl | |
wodim | |
xargs | |
xdg-mime | |
xdg-open | |
xdpyinfo | |
xkbprint | |
xinit | starts the X Server. |
xmodmap | |
xtrace | traces the execution of a program by printing the currently executed function. |
xxd | creates hex dumps or does the reverse. |
xauth | |
xev | |
xinput | |
xkbcomp | is the X keyboard compiler. |
xrandr | |
yes | print a string until killed. |
zcat | |
zdump | is the time zone dumper. |
zenity | |
zic | is a time zone compiler. |
zip | packages and compresses archive files. |
zlib-flate | |