zenity can be used to create message boxes in a shell script.
Infos, warnings, errors etc
In its simplest form, zenity can be used to create a message box with a info, warning or error.
Note: with --notification option, the flow of the script is not stopped.
zenity --notification --text "This is a notification.\nNote: the shell script does not stop here!"
zenity --info --text "This is a info!"
zenity --warning --text "This is a warning!"
zenity --error --text "This is a error!"
# Note --step does not seem to have any influence
value=$(zenity --scale --text "Choose value between 10 and 42" --min-value 10 --max-value 42 --value 20 --step 2)
echo value is $value
for num in zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten; do
echo $percent
echo "# $num"
percent=$(($percent + 10));
sleep 1
done | zenity --progress --text "Counting..." --percentage=0