is acommand to query an EWMH/NetWM compatible window manager for information or request it to perform a given action. -m | Show information about the window manager and about the environment. |
-l | List windows managed by the window manager, see columns for wmctrl -l |
-d | List desktops. The current desktop is marked with an asterisk. |
-s <DESK> | Switch to the specified desktop. |
-a <WIN> | Activate the window by switching to its desktop and raising it. |
-c <WIN> | Close the window gracefully. |
-R <WIN> | Move the window to the current desktop and activate it. |
-r <WIN> -t <DESK> | Move the window to the specified desktop. |
-r <WIN> -e <MVARG> | Resize and move the window around the desktop. |
-r <WIN> -b <STARG> | Change the state of the window. Using this option it's possible for example to make the window maximized, minimized or fullscreen. The format of the <STARG> argument and list of possible states is given below. |
-r <WIN> -N <STR> | Set the name (long title) of the window. |
-r <WIN> -I <STR> | Set the icon name (short title) of the window. |
-r <WIN> -T <STR> | Set both the name and the icon name of the window. |
-k (on|off) | Activate or deactivate window manager's "showing the desktop" mode. Many window managers do not implement this mode. |
-o <X>,<Y> | Change the viewport for the current desktop. The X and Y values are separated with a comma. They define the top left corner of the viewport. The window manager may ignore the request. |
-n <NUM> | Change number of desktops. The window manager may ignore the request. |
-g <W>,<H> | Change geometry (common size) of all desktops. The window manager may ignore the request. |
-h | Print help. |
<DESK> | An integer, starting with 0, that identifies a desktop. |
<MVARG> | Five integers, separated by commas (g,x,y,w,h ) which are used for the -r … -e … command. g stands for gravity (and 0 is the most common value for g ). -1 can be used in the four remaining values to specify the «current» value. |
<WIN> | A string to identify a window. If -F is used, the string must match case sensitively and the entire title, otherwise, it's sufficient that the string matches a substring case insensitively. -F can be combined with -i to still force a case insenstive match. The special name :SELECT: let's the user select a window by clicking on it and :ACTIVE: refers to the currently active window. |
-i | Interpret <WIN> as a numerical window ID. |
-p | Can be added to -l to include PIDs in the window list. Very few X applications support this feature. |
-G | Can be added to -l to include geometry in the window list. |
-x | Include WM_CLASS in the window list or interpret <WIN> as the WM_CLASS name. |
-u | Override auto-detection and force UTF-8 mode. |
-F | Modifies the behavior of the window title matching algorithm. It will match only the full window title instead of a substring, when this option is used. Furthermore it makes the matching case sensitive. |
-v | Be verbose. Useful for debugging. |
-w <WA> | Use a workaround. The option may appear multiple times. List of available workarounds is given below. |
action prints the following columns: xfce4-panel
is used: the PID
is used: the four columns x-offset, y-offset, width and height
gravity=0 # default # start coordinates x=20 y=600 width=600 height=200 for i in {1..100}; do # Adjust coordinates: x=$(( $x + 5 )) y=$(( $y - 4 )) width=$(( $width - 3 )) height=$(( $height + 3 )) # resize and move current (that is: active) window: wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -e "$gravity,$x,$y,$width,$height" clear echo x/y = $x/$y echo width/height = $width/$height # Wait a bit sleep 0.1 done