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Shell command: shutdown

shutdown halts, powers-off or reboots the machine and optionally sends a message to all logged-in users.
shutdown [option…] time [message]


-r Reboot when shutdown has completed
-h Halt or power off the system (the choice as to which is left up to the system).
-H Halt system
-P Power off system
-c Cancels a previously initiated shutdown. time cannot be specified with this option (i. e. the first argument is message)
-k Only send message and disable logins whithout shutting down tye system


The value for time can be


$ shutdown -h now
User root is logged in on tty1.
Please retry operation after closing inhibitors and logging out other users.
Alternatively, ignore inhibitors and users with 'systemctl poweroff -i'.

See also

On Windows, there is shutdown.exe.
