Search notes:


The sudoers file. It specifies who can run what with sudo.
The file has two types of entries:
This file should be edited with visudo because visudo checks for parsing errors and provides a basic syntax check.

Allow a named user to use sudo

Allow a specifically named user (here: fred) to use sudo:
fred ALL=(ALL) ALL

Allow users in sudo group

Allow all users that are in the sudo group to use sudo:
%sudo ALL=(ALL) ALL
In order to add a user to the sudo group, use
$ usermod -a -G sudo fred

Don't ask for passwords

Don't ask for password if a given executable (here: xxd) is invoked:
rene ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/xxd
Never ask for any password:

Using aliases

User_Alias  ADMIN = jane


Apparently, sudo uses the umask in effect when a sudo command is executed.
With Defaults umask_override and umask, the umsask can be changed for the command that is executed with sudo.
Defaults umask_override
Defaults umask=0022

Set period to keep password

Keep the password for 60 minutes:
Defaults timestamp_timeout=60
Don't store any password:
Defaults timestamp_timeout=0
