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User [Unix]

In Unix, a user is identified by a user id (UID) (and often by a name). Such a user has a home directory (typically under /home). This directory is pointed at by the HOME environment variable.
A user belongs to one or more groups. The groups that a user belongs to is shown with the id command.
Adding users: adduser, useradd.

Home directories

Usually, a user has a home directory.

Logins / Logged in users

Logged in users can be determined with w and who.
/run/utmp records users that are currently logged in.
/var/log/wtmp records all users' logins and logouts.
/var/log/lastlog records the last login for each user.
/var/log/faillog records failed attempts to log in.
/var/log/btmp records bat login attempts

Some users

I found this list in a Debian installation in /usr/share/doc/base-passwd/users-and-groups.txt.gz.
root Root is (typically) the superuser.
daemon Some unprivileged daemons that need to be able to write to some files on disk (such as portmap, atd, lambdamoo, mon etc). Daemons that don't need to own any files sometimes run as nobody (group: nogroup instead). daemon is listed as legacy by LSB 1.3 as it is generally better practice to use a dedicated user,
bin Historically, bin was probably the owner of binaries in /bin. This user is not mentioned in the FHS, Debian Policy or the changelogs of base-passwd or base-files and listed as legacy by LSB.
sys Historically, the sys user and group owned the kernel sources and some related items like the include files, but this was obsoleted long ago in favour of bin (now itself legacy, see above).
sync The shell of user sync is /bin/sync. Thus, if its password is set to something easy to guess (such as an empty password), anyone can sync the system at the console even if they have no account on the system.
games Many games are sgid to games so they can write their high score files. This is explained in Debian Policy.
man The man program (sometimes) runs as user man, so it can write cat pages to /var/cache/man and update its databases there.
lp The lp* devices are writable by this group so that users in it can access the parallel ports directly. Traditionally this job is taken by a printer daemon instead which will only need to run in this group. The lpr system keeps its spool directories owned by lp/lp. Its daemon and frontend tools (through setuid) run as user root.
mail Mailboxes in /var/mail are owned and writable by group mail, as is explained in Debian Policy. The user and group is used for other purposes as well by various MTAs and MUAs.
news Various news servers and other associated programs (such as suck) use user and group news in various ways. Files in the news spool are often owned by user and group news. Programs such as inews that can be used to post news are typically sgid news.
uucp The uucp user and group is used by the UUCP subsystem. It owns spool and configuration files. Users in the uucp group may run uucico.
proxy Like daemon, this user and group is used by some daemons (specifically, proxy daemons) that don't have dedicated user ids and that need to own files. For example, group proxy is used by pdnsd and squid runs as user proxy.
majordom Majordomo has a statically allocated uid on Debian systems for historical reasons. It is not installed on new systems.
postgres Postgresql databases are owned by this user and group.
www-data Some web servers run as www-data.
backup Presumably so backup/restore responsibilities can be locally delegated to someone without full root permissions? HELP: Is that right? Amanda reportedly uses this, details?
operator Historically, the operator user account was used by system operators with low privilege to dump filesystem backups to tape and was in the root group so that it could do this. In Debian, the use of a utility such as sudo to gain privilege is preferred over such highly-special-purpose accounts and the operator user is no longer created by default. It had uid 37. The operator group is used by dump -n to notify logged-in operators via wall when it requires operator attention. This is a historical use, and new applications should not behave this way.
list Mailing list archives and data are owned by this user and group. Some mailing list programs may run as this user as well.
irc Used by IRC daemons. A statically allocated user is needed only because of a bug in ircd: it setuid()s itself to a compiled-in user id on startup.
gnats Used by gnats. This has a statically allocated user and group for purely historical reasons (it could equally well use a dynamic system user and group), but it's cumbersome to change now.
nobody, nogroup Daemons that need not own any files sometimes run as user nobody and group nogroup, although using a dedicated user is far preferable. Thus, no files on a system should be owned by this user or group. (Technically speaking, it does no harm for a file to be owned by group nogroup as long as the ownership confers no additional privileges, that is if the group and other permission bits are equal. However, this is sloppy practice and should be avoided.) If root-squashing is in use over NFS, root access from the client is performed as user nobody on the server.
messagebus The dbus daemon (dbus-daemon-1) runs as this user and group.
postfix Used by the postfix MTA.
gdm GDM (GNOME Display Manager) runs as this user/group.
saned Added by sane-utils, but appear to be unused.
klog Used by klogd.
syslog Used by syslog, the general purpose logger.


For the ahavi service.


Some web servers run as www-data.
Web content should not be owned by this user, or a compromised web server would be able to rewrite a web site. Data written out by web servers will be owned by www-data.

Users without group

sshd Unprivileged user used by the privilege-separated sshd when communicating with the network before successful authentication.
fetchmail Used by the fetchmail program.
cupsys CUPS runs as this user. It is in group lp, so it can access printer devices.

See also

group, /etc/passwd, LOGNAME
Files that belong to a given user can be found with the find predicate -user.
With stat, a file's owner name and id can be determined like so:
$ stat -c '%U (%u)' /home/rene
rene (1000)
ssh (109)
