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With Python, a simple webserver can be started in the document root like so:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 7777
7777 is obviously the port number.
Alternatively, a webserver can also be started with
sudo python -m http.server 80
Note: the port is optional. The sudo is apparently required for ports below 1024(?).


The PHP executable has a built-in web server which can be started with the php command line option -S <addr>:<port>.
The doc root of the webserver can be specified with the option -t <docroot>.

IIS Express

On Windows, if IIS Express is installed, a web server can be started in a console like so:
C:\> "c:\Program Files (x86)\IIS Express\iisexpress.exe" /path:%cd% /port:8765

Uniform Server

Uniform Server makes it easy to run Apache, PHP and MySQL on Windows.

Early webservers

CERN httpd

CERN httpd was the first web server.
CERN httpd was programmed 1990 onwards by Tim Berners-Lee and others in C.
Later, the development was taken over by W3C which released the latest version 3.0A in 1996.
After this release, W3C focused on the development of the Java-based Jigsaw server.
CERN httpd was later also known as W3C httpd.

Plexus Server

Developped by Tony Sanders in Perl.


The NCSA HTTPd was developped at the NCSA (hence its name) and first released 1993.
The Apache project took the code base of NCSA HTTPd.
This webserver introduced CGI.

See also

Apache Webserver and nginx
PEP 3333: Python Web Server Gateway Interface v1.0.1 (WSGI)
HTTP Header
A Simple Webserver in C++ for Windows
A (Python) webserver to handle CORS requests
A simple webserver using the Perl module HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI
Another webserver written in Perl
The Perl module HTTP::Daemon
webserver in Visual Basic for applications
Some web servers run as Linux user www-data.
Let's Encrypt
Embedded PL/SQL Gateway
