Search notes:

Perl module HTTP::Daemon

When the following script is started it prints the URL with which the webserver can be accessed.
Currently, the webserver allows only one path: http://localhost:*port*/myself. This will print the script itself.
use warnings;
use strict;

use HTTP::Daemon;
use HTTP::Status;

my $daemon = HTTP::Daemon->new or die;

printf ("\n\n   URL of webserver is %s, show this script with %smyself\n", $daemon->url, $daemon->url);

while (my $client_connection = $daemon->accept) { # {
} # }

sub new_connection { # {
    my $client_connection = shift;
    printf "new connection\n";
    while (my $request = $client_connection->get_request) {

      print "  request\n";
        if ($request->method eq 'GET' and $request->uri->path eq "/myself") {
        else {
} # }
Github repository PerlModules, path: /HTTP/Daemon/

See also

A (simple) webserver with Perl
A (very) simple webserver using the Perl module HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI.
Perl modules.
