Search notes:


Windows is a symetric multiprocessing OS: all CPUs are equal, the Windows kernel can schedule a process to run on any pr`.
Mouse appearance
Remote Desktop Services
Calling the Windows API from VBA
Windows development
File system
Keyboard shortcuts

Configuring Windows

Windows can be configured through different methods:
Generally, a control panel item is aimed for general users while an MMC snap-in is targeted at IT professionals.


WSUS Offline Update

Default user profile win-default-user-profile

The default user profile id duplicated when a new user account is created. A default user profile includes special folders such as My Documents and Desktop.
Apparently, at least part of the default user profile is stored under %SystemDrive%\Users\Default.

Freeing up disk space

Compressing old files
Temporary Internet files
Cached (offline) web pages
Temporary Windows files
Log Files (for example under %SystemRoot%\System32\LogFiles)
Old chkdsk files
Catalog files (created by content indexer)

Licensing and activation

Two types of activation:
  • consumer level
  • volume licensing
The sppsvc service.
Possible license states are
  • Licensed
  • initial Grace Period
  • Additional Grace Period
  • Notification Period
  • Non-Genuine grace period
  • Unlicensed


Drawbridge was a Microsoft research project (prototype?) that investigated new forms of virtualization for application sandboxing in order to reduce the virtualization resource overhead incurred when hosting many Virtual Machines on the same hardware.
The research explored two ideas
Picoproces A process-based isolation container with a minimal kernel API surface which consists of an empty address space, a monitor process that interacts with the host operating system on behalf of the picoprocess, and a kernel driver that allows a driver to populate the address space at startup and implements a host Application Binary Interface (ABI) that allows the picoprocess to interact with the host.
A Library OS (LibOS) A user-mode version of the NT kernel (informally referred toas NTUM) that implements a subset of the 1500+ Win32 and NT ABIs so as run efficiently within a picoprocess. (The rest of the calls are simply stubst that either succeed or fail, depending on the type of call)
In addition to NTUM, Drawbridge includes a version of the Win32 subsystem that runs as a user-mode library within the picoprocess.
See also

See also

Windows Update
Chocolatey is the (or a?) package manager for Windows.


Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 8 attempt to write a readonly database in /home/httpd/vhosts/ Stack trace: #0 /home/httpd/vhosts/ PDOStatement->execute(Array) #1 /home/httpd/vhosts/ insert_webrequest_('/notes/Windows/...', 1741097332, '', 'Mozilla/5.0 App...', NULL) #2 /home/httpd/vhosts/ insert_webrequest() #3 {main} thrown in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 78