Search notes:


CPU stands for Central Processing Unit.

Determining the kind of CPU

On Linux, the kind of the CPU can be determined with
cat /proc/cpuinfo
In a Windows command prompt (cmd.exe or PowerShell), something similar is possible with
wmic cpu get devideId,numberOfCorse,numberOfLogialProcessors
# or
get-computerInfo | select-object csProcessors


A core contains one ore more CPUs.
A socket contains one or more cores.
A book contains one or more sockets.
A node (NUMA) contains one or more books.


Symetric Multiprocessors.
More than one processors inside the computer.


ARM = Acorn Risc Machine.
Intel CPUs

See also

The CPU is connected to peripherals with the PCI.
ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit
The Shell commands lscpu and nproc.
CPU utilization in a Linux system can be displayed with the ps -o command, using the %cpu format specifier:
ps -e -o %cpu,exe
