Name | Canonical name | GUID | Module Name | Pages or comments |
Action Center | Microsoft.ActionCenter | {BB64F8A7-BEE7-4E1A-AB8D-7D8273F7FDB6} (GUID seems to belong to Security and Maintenance) | @%SystemRoot%\System32\ActionCenterCPL.dll,-1 | MaintenanceSettings -> Automatic Maintenance; pageProblems -> Problem Reports ; pageReliabilityView -> Reliability Monitor ; pageResponseArchive -> Archived Messages ; pageSettings -> Problem Reporting Settings |
Administrative Tools | Microsoft.AdministrativeTools | {D20EA4E1-3957-11d2-A40B-0C5020524153} | @%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-22982 | |
AutoPlay | Microsoft.AutoPlay | {9C60DE1E-E5FC-40f4-A487-460851A8D915} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\autoplay.dll,-1 | |
Biometric Devices | Microsoft.BiometricDevices | {0142e4d0-fb7a-11dc-ba4a-000ffe7ab428} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\biocpl.dll,-1 | |
BitLocker Drive Encryption | Microsoft.BitLockerDriveEncryption | {D9EF8727-CAC2-4e60-809E-86F80A666C91} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\fvecpl.dll,-1 | |
Color Management | Microsoft.ColorManagement | {B2C761C6-29BC-4f19-9251-E6195265BAF1} | @%systemroot%\system32\colorcpl.exe,-6 | |
Credential Manager | Microsoft.CredentialManager | {1206F5F1-0569-412C-8FEC-3204630DFB70} | @%SystemRoot%\system32\Vault.dll,-1 | ?SelectedVault=CredmanVault -> Windows Credentials |
Date and Time | Microsoft.DateAndTime | {E2E7934B-DCE5-43C4-9576-7FE4F75E7480} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\timedate.cpl,-51 | 1 -> Additional Clocks |
Default Programs | Microsoft.DefaultPrograms | {17cd9488-1228-4b2f-88ce-4298e93e0966} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\sud.dll,-1 | pageDefaultProgram -> Set Default Programs ; pageFileAssoc -> Set Associations |
Device Manager | Microsoft.DeviceManager | {74246BFC-4C96-11D0-ABEF-0020AF6B0B7A} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\devmgr.dll,-4 | |
Devices and Printers | Microsoft.DevicesAndPrinters | {A8A91A66-3A7D-4424-8D24-04E180695C7A} | @%systemroot%\system32\DeviceCenter.dll,-1000 | |
Display | Microsoft.Display | {C555438B-3C23-4769-A71F-B6D3D9B6053A} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\Display.dll,-1 | Settings -> Screen Resolution // As of Windows 10, this GUID is no longer working |
Ease of Access Center | Microsoft.EaseOfAccessCenter | {D555645E-D4F8-4c29-A827-D93C859C4F2A} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\accessibilitycpl.dll,-10 | pageEasierToClick -> Make the mouse easier to use ; pageEasierToSee -> Make the computer easier to see ; pageEasierWithSounds -> Use text or visual alternatives for sounds ; pageFilterKeysSettings -> Set up Filter Keys ; pageKeyboardEasierToUse -> Make the keyboard easier to use ; pageNoMouseOrKeyboard -> Use the computer without a mouse or keyboard ; pageNoVisual -> Use the computer without a display ; pageQuestionsCognitive -> Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use (cognitive) ; pageQuestionsEyesight -> Get recommendations to make your computer easier to use (eyesight) |
Family Safety | Microsoft.ParentalControls | {96AE8D84-A250-4520-95A5-A47A7E3C548B} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\wpccpl.dll,-100 | pageUserHub -> Choose a user and set up Family Safety |
File History | Microsoft.FileHistory | {F6B6E965-E9B2-444B-9286-10C9152EDBC5} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\fhcpl.dll,-52 | File History includes a newer version of the Backup and Restore item, but that older item's canonical name does not remap to File History. |
Folder Options | Microsoft.FolderOptions | {6DFD7C5C-2451-11d3-A299-00C04F8EF6AF} | @%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-22985 | |
Fonts (?) | Microsoft.Fonts | {BD84B380-8CA2-1069-AB1D-08000948F534} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\FontExt.dll,-199 | |
Fonts (?) | Microsoft.FontSettings | {93412589-74D4-4E4E-AD0E-E0CB621440FD} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\FontExt.dll,-8007 | |
HomeGroup | Microsoft.HomeGroup | {67CA7650-96E6-4FDD-BB43-A8E774F73A57} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\hgcpl.dll,-1 | |
Indexing Options | Microsoft.IndexingOptions | {87D66A43-7B11-4A28-9811-C86EE395ACF7} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\srchadmin.dll,-601 | |
Infrared | Microsoft.Infrared | {A0275511-0E86-4ECA-97C2-ECD8F1221D08} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\irprops.cpl,-1 | |
Internet Options | Microsoft.InternetOptions | {A3DD4F92-658A-410F-84FD-6FBBBEF2FFFE} | @C:\\Windows\\System32\\inetcpl.cpl,-4312 | 1 -> Security ; 2 -> Privacy ; 3 -> Content ; 4 -> Connections ; 5 -> Programs ; 6 -> Advanced |
iSCSI Initiator | Microsoft.iSCSIInitiator | {A304259D-52B8-4526-8B1A-A1D6CECC8243} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\iscsicpl.dll,-5001 | |
iSNS Server | Microsoft.iSNSServer | {0D2A3442-5181-4E3A-9BD4-83BD10AF3D76} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\isnssrv.dll,-5005 | Only in Server Versions of Windows. |
Keyboard | Microsoft.Keyboard | {725BE8F7-668E-4C7B-8F90-46BDB0936430} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\main.cpl,-102 | Changes values in the registry under the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Keyboard |
Location Settings | Microsoft.LocationSettings | {E9950154-C418-419e-A90A-20C5287AE24B} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\SensorsCpl.dll,-1 | |
Mouse | Microsoft.Mouse | {6C8EEC18-8D75-41B2-A177-8831D59D2D50} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\main.cpl,-100 | 1 -> Pointers ; 2 -> Pointer Options ; 3 -> Wheel ; 4 -> Hardware |
MPIOConfiguration | Microsoft.MPIOConfiguration | {AB3BE6AA-7561-4838-AB77-ACF8427DF426} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\mpiocpl.dll,-1000 | This Control Panel item will be seen only in server versions of Windows. |
Network and Sharing Center | Microsoft.NetworkAndSharingCenter | {8E908FC9-BECC-40f6-915B-F4CA0E70D03D} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\netcenter.dll,-1 | Advanced -> Advanced sharing settings ; ShareMedia -> Media streaming options |
Notification Area Icons | Microsoft.NotificationAreaIcons | {05D7B0F4-2121-4EFF-BF6B-ED3F69B894D9} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\taskbarcpl.dll,-1 | |
Pen and Touch | Microsoft.PenAndTouch | {F82DF8F7-8B9F-442E-A48C-818EA735FF9B} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\tabletpc.cpl,-10103 | 1 -> Flicks ; 2 -> Handwriting |
Personalization | Microsoft.Personalization | {ED834ED6-4B5A-4bfe-8F11-A626DCB6A921} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\themecpl.dll,-1 | pageColorization -> Color and Appearance ; pageWallpaper -> Desktop Background |
Phone and Modem | Microsoft.PhoneAndModem | {40419485-C444-4567-851A-2DD7BFA1684D} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\telephon.cpl,-1 | The window that this value launches is titled «Location Information»: in versions of Windows prior to Windows 8. The item's UI is considerably changed as of Windows 8. |
Power Options | Microsoft.PowerOptions | {025A5937-A6BE-4686-A844-36FE4BEC8B6D} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\powercpl.dll,-1 | pageGlobalSettings -> System Settings ; pagePlanSettings -> Edit Plan Settings / See also powercfg.exe |
Programs and Features | Microsoft.ProgramsAndFeatures | {7B81BE6A-CE2B-4676-A29E-EB907A5126C5} | @%systemroot%\system32\appwiz.cpl,-159 | ::{D450A8A1-9568-45C7-9C0E-B4F9FB4537BD} -> Installed Updates |
Recovery | Microsoft.Recovery | {9FE63AFD-59CF-4419-9775-ABCC3849F861} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\recovery.dll,-101 | |
Region | Microsoft.RegionAndLanguage | {62D8ED13-C9D0-4CE8-A914-47DD628FB1B0} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\intl.cpl,-1 | The Region and Language item found in Windows 7 was split as of Windows 8. Microsoft.RegionAndLanguage now launches the Region item. To launch the Language item, use Microsoft.Language. 1 -> Location ; 2 -> Administrative |
RemoteApp and Desktop Connections | Microsoft.RemoteAppAndDesktopConnections | {241D7C96-F8BF-4F85-B01F-E2B043341A4B} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\tsworkspace.dll,-15300 | |
Sound | Microsoft.Sound | {F2DDFC82-8F12-4CDD-B7DC-D4FE1425AA4D} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\mmsys.cpl,-300 | |
Speech Recognition | Microsoft.SpeechRecognition | {58E3C745-D971-4081-9034-86E34B30836A} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\Speech\SpeechUX\speechuxcpl.dll,-1 | |
Storage Spaces | Microsoft.StorageSpaces | {F942C606-0914-47AB-BE56-1321B8035096} | @C:\\Windows\\System32\\SpaceControl.dll,-1 | |
Sync Center | Microsoft.SyncCenter | {9C73F5E5-7AE7-4E32-A8E8-8D23B85255BF} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\SyncCenter.dll,-3000 | |
System | Microsoft.System | {BB06C0E4-D293-4f75-8A90-CB05B6477EEE} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\systemcpl.dll,-1 | |
Tablet PC Settings | Microsoft.TabletPCSettings | {80F3F1D5-FECA-45F3-BC32-752C152E456E} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\tabletpc.cpl,-10100 | |
Taskbar and Navigation (Start menu) | Microsoft.Taskbar | {0DF44EAA-FF21-4412-828E-260A8728E7F1} | @%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-32517 | |
Troubleshooting | Microsoft.Troubleshooting | {C58C4893-3BE0-4B45-ABB5-A63E4B8C8651} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\DiagCpl.dll,-1 | HistoryPage -> History |
TSAppInstall | Microsoft.TSAppInstall | {BAA884F4-3432-48B8-AA72-9BF20EEF31D5} | @%systemroot%\system32\tsappinstall.exe,-2001 | |
User Accounts | Microsoft.UserAccounts | {60632754-C523-4B62-B45C-4172DA012619} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\usercpl.dll,-1 | See user account |
Windows Anytime Upgrade | Microsoft.WindowsAnytimeUpgrade | {BE122A0E-4503-11DA-8BDE-F66BAD1E3F3A} | @$(resourceString._SYS_MOD_PATH),-1 | |
Windows Defender | Microsoft.WindowsDefender | {D8559EB9-20C0-410E-BEDA-7ED416AECC2A} | @%ProgramFiles%\Windows Defender\MsMpRes.dll,-104 | 2021-08-11: is this entry still valid? |
Windows Firewall | Microsoft.WindowsFirewall | {4026492F-2F69-46B8-B9BF-5654FC07E423} | @C:\\Windows\\system32\\FirewallControlPanel.dll,-12122 | pageConfigureApps -> Allowed apps |
Windows Mobility Center | Microsoft.MobilityCenter | {5EA4F148-308C-46D7-98A9-49041B1DD468} | @%SystemRoot%\system32\mblctr.exe,-1002 | |
Windows To Go | Microsoft.PortableWorkspaceCreator | {8E0C279D-0BD1-43C3-9EBD-31C3DC5B8A77} | @%SystemRoot%\System32\pwcreator.exe,-151 | |
Windows Update | Microsoft.WindowsUpdate | {36EEF7DB-88AD-4E81-AD49-0E313F0C35F8} | @%SystemRoot%\system32\wucltux.dll,-1 | pageSettings -> Change settings ; pageUpdateHistory -> View update history |
Work Folders | Microsoft.WorkFolders | {ECDB0924-4208-451E-8EE0-373C0956DE16} | @C:\\Windows\\System32\\WorkfoldersControl.dll,-1 | |
? | ? | {05D7B0F4-2121-4EFF-BF6B-ED3F69B894D9} | ? | |
? | Microsoft.DefaultPrograms | {17CD9488-1228-4B2F-88CE-4298E93E0966} | ? | |
? | Alps.DellTouchpad | {7F5B8FA4-BEEC-11cf-9BD7-B76592786C03} | ? | This control panel item seems to come preinstalled with a DELL laptop |
? | Microsoft.BackupAndRestore | {B98A2BEA-7D42-4558-8BD1-832F41BAC6FD} | ? | |
? | Microsoft.TextToSpeech | {D17D1D6D-CC3F-4815-8FE3-607E7D5D10B3} | ? | |
? | RST | {E342F0FE-FF1C-4c41-BE37-A0271FC90396} | ? | Intel Rapid Storage Technology |