Search notes:


Determining a file system type

The type of a file system can be determined with
$ df -T
Alternatively, the type can be determined with
lsblk -f

Registering a file system

A file system is registered by calling register_filesystem() and unregistered by calling unregister_filesystem().
Both functions take a struct file_system_type* parameter (Defined in /include/linux/fs.h).

Special and pseudo file systems

Some file systems are not related to a disk:
tmpfs An in-memory file system (so data is not persisted)
procfs and sysfs They provide to kernel information about processes, devices and drivers
… ? ?

See also

Access control list
GVfs (Gnome virtual filesystem).
NFS (Network file system)
File and directory metadata
file permissions
Links between files
Shrink and grow filesystems and partitions in Linux
VFS (Virtual File System)
/sys/fs, /proc, Documentation/filesystems, Documentation/filesystem/fuse.txt
du fsck, ln
df displays the amount of available space on a file system.
mount mounts a file system, umount unmounts it.
findmnt lists all mounted filesystem or searches for a filesystem.
debugfs: a filesystem debugger.
Links between files
Partition tables and file systems
