cdms.bat, executed as cmds SomeName. It assigns SomeName with the current directory. Later, cdm.bat allows to cd back to this directory (cdm SomeName ). cdm stands for cd to mark, cdms stands for cd mark set. a script that creates MD5 hashes of files in a directory and then finds equal files, even if they are named differently. Iterates the sub directories of a given directory and prints the sizes of these subdirectories. Can be used to find directories that occupy large portions on a file system. is the script I use to automatically pull or clone my github repostiories when I use a new computer or a computer on which I haven't worked for time.
goWnd.ps1 is a PowerShell script that takes as its only argument the name of a process and then calls the WinAPI function SetForegroundWindow() with the process's main window handle.
simulate-activity.ps1: move the cursor at from time to time in order to fool the system into thinking something is happening and thus preventing a session from being logged out etc. split (huge) files into smaller files so that they can be more easily transported. After transporting, they can be merged again with to be executed like so: regexp basically issues an svn list and finds the files that match regexp. Each file can be selected for update by pressing «y» or «j». A «q» prematurly exits the script. Every other key skips the file.
touch.ps1 simulates the two most important use cases of the Linux touch: it creates new (empty) files or updates existing file's timestamps.