Search notes:


admin.bat become superuser (admin) in cmd.exe.
admin.ps1 enables the administrator token or queries if the session is running with that token.
battery shows some figures related to the battery.
cb.bat execute content of the clipboard in cmd.exe.
cdcb.bat cd to the path that is in the clipboard.
cdhom.bat cd into the home directory (which is %userprofile% on Windows).
cdm.bat. See cdms.bat
cdms.bat, executed as cmds SomeName. It assigns SomeName with the current directory. Later, cdm.bat allows to cd back to this directory (cdm SomeName ). cdm stands for cd to mark, cdms stands for cd mark set.
cdvimf.bat cd to the root directory of vim files. uses the Perl module Win32::GuiTest to connect to a Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client. can be used to create simple images. prints the content of the clipboard. Mnemonic: Ctrl-V.
dc.bat cd into a directory, then show its content with dir. is a Python script that rudimentarily searches for regular expressions in files (in the current version with an .sql suffix). Quickly and easily determine if a file has DOS (0x0d 0x0a) or Unix (0x0a) line endings.
dt simple date arithmetic in a shell.
dot2.bat processes a Graphviz / dot file and opens the result.
empty-recycleBin.ps1 is a PowerShell script to empty the Windows recycle bin.
fb.bat and fb.ps1: fb stands for find below. It searches for files that match the given wildcard under the current directory.
ff.ps1 reports files whose content matches a regular expression in a directory tree.
ff_ftp.bat opens a Firefox browser with a ftp:// url and a username-password tuple whose values are stored in certain Windows environment variables. a script that creates MD5 hashes of files in a directory and then finds equal files, even if they are named differently. Iterates the sub directories of a given directory and prints the sizes of these subdirectories. Can be used to find directories that occupy large portions on a file system.
get.vbs: do simple GET HTTP requests with VBScript. is the script I use to automatically pull or clone my github repostiories when I use a new computer or a computer on which I haven't worked for time. does a git push to the »correct« server. Requires the envorinment variable TQ84_GITHUB_PW to be set with the password of the remote repository. In order to automatically set this password, gitp.bat can be used (on cmd.exe, that is).
gitp.bat Sets the environment variable TQ84_GITHUB_PW to be used along with
goWnd.ps1 is a PowerShell script that takes as its only argument the name of a process and then calls the WinAPI function SetForegroundWindow() with the process's main window handle. Show line endings (0x0A and/or 0x0D). Compare with
ip.ps1 Print IP Addresses of local non-loopback network interfaces. is a perl script that reads from stdin and writes the necessary ANSI escape sequences to print ERROR in red and WARNING in yellow.
kil.ps1 is a PowerShell script to kill processes by their name.
make-targets merge files that were split with
log-moz starts firefox and then has it log HTTP connections.
mnt: be easy on the eye when showing mounts.
new-wlan.bat allows to connect to a new WLAN (that is: without profile) from a Windows command line.
notify_me_at.bat and notif.ps1 open a message box at a specified date in the future (for example to remind the user to do something).
nots.bat A Perl script that is given a registry path and then changes the registry so that regedit.exe will open the given registry key. Compare with regat.bat
orahome comes as batch file and PowerShell script that simply changes the directory to the Oracle Home directory
orastart.ps1 starts an Oracle instance and listener.
regQuery.bat allows to query the value under a given registry key in cmd.exe.
url.bat uses run.dll to open an URL from cmd.exe.
p8 is intended to quickly find out if there is a connection to the internet and executes ping and paths (in a Unix shell) show each directory of the %PATH% (or $PATH) on a separate line.
paths.ps1 is a similar script for PowerShell.
pc,, pc.ps1 and pc.bat to copy the current path into the clipboard.
profile.ps1 is my startup script for powershell.
ps32.bat starts the 32-bit executable of PowerShell.
pyws.bat is a Perl script that recursively does stuff that I frequently use. stuff is determined by the command line options to the script.
reflect.ps1 is a PowerShell script to reflect .NET types.
recentItems.ps1 is a PowerShell script that extracts the target paths of the .lnk files that are found in %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Recent.
regat.bat: a batch script that is given a registry key and then opens the registry at the specified key with regedit.exe.
regat.ps1 is the PowerShell version of regat.bat.
aqua.bat, red.bat, blue.bat, green.bat and black.bat can be used to set the background color of cmd.exe. is able to create a cpio file from an RPM file.
screens.ps1 prints the connected monitors' dimensions and positions. Show line endings (0x0A and/or 0x0D). Compare with
simulate-activity.ps1: move the cursor at from time to time in order to fool the system into thinking something is happening and thus preventing a session from being logged out etc. split (huge) files into smaller files so that they can be more easily transported. After transporting, they can be merged again with
sqlcl.bat starts Oracle's SQLcl.
sqldev.bat starts Oracle SQL Developer to be executed like so: regexp basically issues an svn list and finds the files that match regexp. Each file can be selected for update by pressing «y» or «j». A «q» prematurly exits the script. Every other key skips the file.
touch.ps1 simulates the two most important use cases of the Linux touch: it creates new (empty) files or updates existing file's timestamps.
toggle-sound.vbs and toggle-sound.ps1 are VBS and PowerShell scripts that send the ASCII value 173 (SendKey) to mute/unmute sound on Windows.
vsenv.bat to set the environment variables for Visual Studio.
websrv starts a webserver whose content root directory is the current directory. This script comes as Shell script, batch file and PowerShell script. is a Python script to run a webserver which accepts «CORS requests»
whichpm is a cross-platform script that locates installed Perl modules by their package name. (Copyright by Michael Klement)
wifi-start: stop the current wifi connection and start the given profile.
wlan.bat is a PowerShell script that regularly checks the WLAN connection and tries to reconnect if it is gone.
wp is a simple Perl script that uses the WWW::Wikipedia module to quickly display a wikipedia article on a shell.
wsl-screenshot-to-clipboard is used in a Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) environment to copy a screenshot made with SnippingTool.exe into the clipboard using xclip.
yt2mp3.bat, yt2mp3 and yt2mp3.ps1 are scripts that use youtube-dl.exe to convert Youtube movies to mp3.


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