Search notes:

Script: ff_ftp.bat

ff_ftp.bat is a cmd.exe batch file that opens a Firefox browser with a ftp:// url and a username-password tuple.
The username, password and host need to be stored in the environment variables tq84_XYZ_ftp_user, tq84_XYZ_ftp_pw and tq84_XYZ_ftp_host, respectively.
When the script is called, it expects a parameter that is expanded to a value (With XYZ as described above: ff_ftp XYZ).
@rem   Open ftp:// url in firefox with username and password.
@rem   Script assumes that the following three environment variables are set for the host, the login-user and the password, respetively:
@rem     tq84_XYZ_ftp_host
@rem     tq84_XYZ_ftp_user
@rem     tq84_XYZ_ftp_pw
@rem   The script gets the value XYZ from the first passed parameter (%1):
@rem     c:\> ff_ftp XYZ

@for /f "usebackq" %%a in (`echo %%tq84_%1_ftp_user%%:%%tq84_%1_ftp_pw%%@%%tq84_%1_ftp_host%%`) do @set tq84_tmp=%%a
start "c:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" ftp://%tq84_tmp%
Github repository scripts-and-utilities, path: /ff_ftp.bat

See also

The PowerShell example that uploads a file to an ftp server
