get.vbs is a simple script (written in VBScript) that allows to GET a HTTP ressource from cmd.exe and print it to the console.
In order for it to work, it needs to be run with cscript.exe rather than wscript.exe because otherwise, wscript.echo does not write the console but opens a message box.
' Note: needs to be invoked with cscript (rather than
' wscript) in order for wscript.echo print to
' the console
option explicit
dim args
dim method
dim url
dim xmlhttp
set args = wscript.arguments
if args.count < 1 then
wscript.echo "No URL provided"
end if
set xmlhttp = createObject("MSXML2.xmlHTTP")
method = "GET"
url = args(0)
wscript.echo "URL: " & url "GET", url, false
wscript.echo "Status: " & xmlhttp.status
if xmlhttp.status <> 200 then
wscript.echo "Status: " & xmlhttp.status
end if
wscript.echo xmlhttp.responseText