Search notes:


An RPM package is a cpio package with some additional structures.
Find the package that contains a given file:
$ rpm -qf /usr/bin/man
Find package's upstream URL:
$ rpm -qi man-db | grep -i url
URL         :
Apparently, the Debian equivalents are
$ dpkg -S /usr/bin/man
$ apt-cache show man-db | grep Homepage

View files in a of a package

The following command lists the files (but not the installaion scripts) of a package:
rpm -ql xyz.rpm 

Extracting data from an RPM

RedHat provides the rpm2cpio utility which extracts a cpio from an rpm package.
alien-pkg-convert is a Perl utility than can convert RPM packges various other package formats (such as .deb)
Here's a lightweight implementation of rpm2cpio for Python.

Extract ONE file from an rpm package

The following command extracts the file /opt/abc/def.txt from xyz.rpm to /tmp/def.txt.
Note: the path in the command is specified relatively (i. e. with a leading ./):
$ rpm2cpio xyz.rpm | cpio -iv --to-stdout ./opt/abc/def.txt > /tmp/def.txt

See also is able to create a cpio file from an .rpm file.
The RPM database is stored in /var/lib/rpm.
package manager
