Search notes:


SnippingTool.exe is a program with which screenshots can be taken.
The tool provides four types of screenshots:
This EXE is referenced under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths.
Update 2024-01-19: On a Windows 11 machine, I've found SnippingTool.exe not under %SYSTEMROOT%\System32 but under %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\WindowsApps.

Mouse pointer not captured

The snipping tool does not capture the mouse pointer.
An alternative to capture the mouse pointer is to use IrfanView: Menu Options -> Capture/Screenshot… (and selecting Include mouse cursor).

See also

The keyboard shortcut windows+shift+s allows to take a freeform, rectangular or fullscreen clip an put in the clipboard.
windows + print screen takes a full screenshot.
psr.exe is the problem steps recorder.
wsl-screenshot-to-clipboard is used in a Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) environment to copy a screenshot made with SnippingTool.exe into the clipboard using xclip.
