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PowerShell Scripts

A script allows to store a sequence of commands in a file so that the can be executed more easily from within another script or in the console.
It is, IMHO, good practice to start a script with a set-strictMode cmdLet (but see statements at the beginning of a script).


Parameters allow to pass values to the script.


set-strictMode -version latest

$first_argument  = $args[0]
$second_argument = $args[1]

Named arguments

param (

set-strictMode -version latest

Using named arguments has the benefit that the script user can invoke the script with explicitly named argument names:
.\the-script.ps1 -username rene -password theMostSecretSecret
Note: the set-strictMode must follow the param statement, otherwise, PowerShell will complain with the error message param : The term 'param' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.….

Statements and keywords at the top of a script

If a script contains using statements, they need to be at the beginning of the script.
If the script also contains a param keyword (that defines the script's parameters), it must be after the using statements (if any) and before the rest of the script.
Only after the using and param statements/keywords can the script have a set-strictMode cmdLet.

Abort a script when it encounters an unrecognized term

The following script contains a typo: elsif instead of elseif.
$errorActionPreference = 'stop'
set-strictMode -version latest

$v = 5

foreach ($i in 0 .. 10) {

   if ( $v -gt $i ) {
      write-host 'v > i'
   elsif ($i -lt 7) {
      write-host 'i < 7'

Github repository about-PowerShell, path: /script/abort-on-unrecognized-term.ps1
When the interpreter encounters the corresponding line, it does not recognize elsif and consequently emits the error message The term 'elsif' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program …
This error is considered non-terminating. Therefore, without setting the preference variable $errorActionPreference to stop, the script continues with its execution which causes this message to be printed ten times.
In order to abort a script when it encounters an unrecognized term, $errorActionPreference must be set to stop.

Determining script-name and script-path (within a script)

The file- name and location (directory) of a script can be determined within the script with the following automatic variables:
$ The script's file name
$psScriptRoot The directory (without script's file name) where script is located
$psCommandPath The complete path of the script (= directory + file name)
$myInvocation.myCommand.path Alternative to get complete path
set-strictMode -version latest

write-host "  The name of script's file is            : $($"
write-host "  It is located in the directory          : $psScriptRoot"
write-host "  Thus, the complete path to the script is: $psCommandPath"
write-host "  The directory can also be evaluated with"
write-host "  `$myInvocation.myCommand.path            : $($myInvocation.myCommand.path)"
Github repository about-PowerShell, path: /script/name-and-path.ps1
See also determining script name and directory using $myInvocation.

Executing scripts on remote machines

PowerShell scripts can be executed on remote machines with invoke-command $remoteMachine -filePath c:\path\to\script.ps1.


unblock-file, set Zone.Identifier in file.

See also

powershell.exe can be invoked with the -f (or --file) command line option to specify a script to be executed by the interpreter.
A special form of a script, targeted at its reusability, is a module.
The exit code of a script that has finished executing is stored in $lastExitCode
Executing PowerShell script with Oracle's scheduler.
Another example to run a PowerShell script, but using a program object.


Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 8 attempt to write a readonly database in /home/httpd/vhosts/ Stack trace: #0 /home/httpd/vhosts/ PDOStatement->execute(Array) #1 /home/httpd/vhosts/ insert_webrequest_('/notes/Windows/...', 1740442455, '', 'Mozilla/5.0 App...', NULL) #2 /home/httpd/vhosts/ insert_webrequest() #3 {main} thrown in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 78