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PowerShell: Module

The functionality of PowerShell can be extended with two ways: Microsoft apparently encourages people to use modules rather than PSSnapIns.
A script module (but not dynamic module) is essentially a PowerShell script

Module directory

In order to be found by PowerShell, the module directory must be located in one of the directories that are listed in the environment variable $env:PSModulePath.
A module that is not located in a directory pointed at by $env:PSModulePath can be loaded with the import-module cmdlet.
A handy (automatic) variable when writing PowerShell modules is $PSScriptRoot: when evaluated in a module script (.psm1), its value corresponds to the path of the module directory. Thus, with this value, it is possible to reference other resources that are located in the module directory.

Components of a module

A module consists of up to four optional components:
The base name of the .psm1 and/or .psd1 files need to have the same name as the directory in which they are located. Such files are said to be well-formed modules..

Module manifest

A module manifest is a .psd1 file that contains a hash table and is used to organize and deploy a «solution».
The hash table contains information such as
A module manifest file can be created with new-moduleManifest.


Modules may be automatically loaded if they reside in a sub-directory to which one of the components of the environment variable $env:PSModulePath points to.
The behavior of autoloading is controlled by the automatic variable $PSModuleAutoLoadingPreference.
Other modules can be manually imported with the cmdlet import-module.
The import-module has a -prefix parameter. If used, it adds the specified prefix to the respective cmdlet's nouns.


get-module -listAvailable shows available modules.
get-module -all lists the modules thare loaded in the actual PowerShell session along with their exported commands.
get-command -name Microsoft.PowerShell.Management shows the commands in the module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management.
get-command | group-object moduleName | select-object count, name groups commands by their module name.
See the cmdLet noun module.

Static and dynamic modules

There are static and dynamic modules.
Dynamic modules exist in memory only, while static modules are stored on disk.
A dynamic module is created with the new-module cmdLet.

Installation location

A module can be installed for one (the current) user or for all users.
If installed for the current user, the installation directory is $home\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
If installed for all users, the directory is $env:programFiles\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
The directory $psHome\Modules is reserved for modules that ship with Windows.

Default modules

Modules that come with a PowerShell installation are

See also

Modules cannot be loaded or executed if the execution policy is set to restricted.
get-installedModule returns a list of modules that are installed on a computer.
Access module-private variables with the call operator (&).
Setting a module's property LogPipelineExecutionDetails to $true to log module events.
The using module statement.
Some (mostly simple or lightweight) PowerShell modules I have written.


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