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Graphviz stands for graph visualization software. Graphs are created by describing them in a specifically created language: dot.
Some examples can be found here.

Installing Graphviz

On Windows, Graphviz can be installed with Chocolatey
choco install -y graphviz

Some important attributes

Some (imho) important attributes and attribute types are

Four phases when drawing

A graph is created in four phases:

Useful command line options

Setting DPI (or resolution) of generated graphs: -Gdpi=300.

Strings vs HTML strings

Ordinary strings are delimited with apostrophes: "…"
HTML strings are delimited by angle bracktes: <…>


How does Graphviz compare to Microsoft Automatic Graph Layout (MSAGL)?

See also

dot language
Perl modules GraphViz2 GraphViz::DBI
dot2.bat is a cmd.exe batch file that processes a Graphviz/dot file and opens the produced graph.


dot language (abstract grammar etc.)
Node, edge and graph attributes
viz.js builds Graphviz from Emscripten.
The VCG (Visualization of Compiler Graphs) tool (sources on github).
Oracle: Creating a Graphviz file showing object dependencies
