addDouble | A double with an optional prefix + |
addPoint | A point with an optional prefix + |
arrowType | |
bool | |
clusterMode | local , global , none |
color | #rrggbb , #rrggbbaa . h.hhh s.sss v.vvv , red |
colorList | A colon separated list of weighted color values |
dirType | forward , back , both or none |
double | |
escString | Replace escape sequences in strings. |
int | |
layerList | |
layerRange | |
lblString | A lblString is either an escString or an HTML Label. |
outputMode | |
packMode | |
pageDir | |
point | |
pointList | |
portPos | |
quadType | |
rankType | |
rect | |
shape | shape is both, an attribute (see here) and a type. |
smoothType | |
splineType | |
startType | |
string | |
viewPort | |