Search notes:

Graphviz attributes

Some interesting, imho, graphviz attributes include:
arrowHead and arrowTail can be assigned an arrowType.
compound is a boolean that controls if clusters can be connected with lhead and ltail.
constraint indicates whether an edge should be used in the ranking of the nodes.
fontname specifies the font for a label.
label specifies the text that is shown with an element (that is: node, edge, cluster or subgraph).
penwidth width of the pen (in points) when drawing lines and curves, including the boundaries of edges and clusters.
rank (which only can be applied to non cluster subgraphs).
rankdir Specify direction of the graph's layout: Top to bottom, left to right etc.
shape specifies the shape of node.
splines splines="line" forces straight edges (no curves).
style controls aspects of of nodes, edges, clusters and subgraphs (clusters)

See also

Color related graphviz attributes
