to false and once to true
. With Microsoft's compiler cl
, this is achieved like so: P:\ath\to\xyz> cl -E -DCOMPOUND=true connect-clusters.dot_ | dot -Tpng -o img\connect-clusters-true.png P:\ath\to\xyz> cl -E -DCOMPOUND=false connect-clusters.dot_ | dot -Tpng -o img\connect-clusters-false.png
is the file that needs to be preprocessed: digraph { compound=COMPOUND subgraph cluster_A { a1 -> a2 a1 -> a3 a2 -> a4 a3 -> a5 } subgraph cluster_B { b1 -> b3 b2 -> b4 b3 -> b5 b4 -> b5 } subgraph cluster_C { c1 -> c2 c1 -> c3 c3 -> c4 c3 -> c5 } subgraph cluster_D { d1 -> d2 d1 -> d3 d2 -> d4 d2 -> d5 } a5 -> c1 [ltail=cluster_A lhead=cluster_C] b5 -> d1 [ltail=cluster_B lhead=cluster_D] }
. The edges (arrows) between the clusters are only drawn outside of the clusters: compound=false
. The edges are drawn for their entire length: