Search notes:

Visual C Compiler (cl)

inline assembler
cl invokes the linker after compiling the source files except when one of the following options is specified: /c, /E, /EP, /P, /Zg and /Zs. (/Zg was removed in Visual Studio 2015).

Frontend and Backend

cl drives a frontend which is implemented in c1.dll (c-one, not c-ell) for C and c1xx.dll for C++.
The backend (optimizer?) is implemented in c2.dll.
The frontend and backend can be controlled with the /d1 and /d2 options.
The actual times spent in the frontend and backend are reported with the /Bt option.
A different frontend can be specified with the /B1 option.

See also

Structured Exception Handling (SEH)
cl.exe is located under %VSxxxCOMNTOOLS%\MSVC\%VCToolsVersion%\bin (See Visual Studio environment variables)
In order to get it into the %PATH% variable, VsDevCmd.bat or one of the vcvars32.bat, vcvars64.bat etc. should be run.
#pragma warning(push) and #pragma warning(disable:…).
