Search notes:

Graphviz: attribute type: escString

escString is the type of the following attributes:
Because the lblString type can be an escString, the specifica of escString are also applicable to the following attributes (if they're not used as HTML like labels):
In an escString, some escape sequences are replaced:
digraph MyGraph {

  node [shape=box];

  node_one             [ label="Name of Graph: \G\nName of Node: \N\n "    ]
  node_one -> node_two [label="The Edge '\E' connecting node \H to node \T"]

  subgraph clusterBlaBla {

    label="Cluster (subgraph): \G";



Github repository about-Graphviz, path: /labels/
The default value of a node's label attribute is \N.

See also

The lblString type
Graphviz: attribute types
