values in this key are
. A value-name's prefix of
seems to indicate that a «real» string is expected while
seems to indicate an integer value.
Value name | Description | Example | Comment |
Locale | | 00000409 | The hexadecimal representation of a language id. |
LocaleName | | en-US | |
s1159 | | AM | |
s2359 | | PM | |
sCountry | | United States | |
sCurrency | Currency symbol | $ | |
sDate | | / | These (up to 4, including NULL) characters correspond to the separators of day, month and year. (Deprecated in favor of sShortDate ) |
sDecimal | Decimal Symbol | . | |
sGrouping | Digit grouping | 3;0 | |
sLanguage | | ENU | |
sList | List separator | , | The value of the list separator greatly influences the behavior of Excel, for example when importing/exporting CSV data or if an Excel worksheet function separates arguments with a semicolon or a comma. |
sLongDate | Long date format | dddd, MMMM d, yyyy | |
sMonDecimalSep | Decimal symbol (currency) | . | |
sMonGrouping | Digit grouping (currency) | 3;0 | |
sMonThousandSep | Digit grouping symbol (currency) | , | |
sNativeDigits | Standard digits | 0123456789 | Can for example be set to Chinese digits (〇一二三四五六七八九 ) |
sNegativeSign | | - | |
sPositiveSign | | | |
sShortDate | Short date format | M/d/yyyy | |
sThousand | | , | |
sTime | | : | |
sTimeFormat | Long time format | h:mm:ss tt | |
sShortTime | Short time format | h:mm tt | |
sYearMonth | | MMMM yyyy | |
iCalendarType | | 1 | |
iCountry | | 1 | |
iCurrDigits | Number of digits after decimal (Currency) | 2 | (get-culture).NumberFormat.CurrencyDecimalDigits |
iCurrency | Positive currency format | 0 | How x currency units are displayed: 0 = $x , |
iDate | | 0 | The short-date format ordering specifier: 0 = month, day, year; 1 = day, month, year, 2 = year, month, day. (sShortDate is preferred over iDate ). |
iDigits | Number of digits after decimal | 2 | |
NumShape | Use native digits | 1 | 1 = Never |
iFirstDayOfWeek | | 6 | 0 = Monday, … 6 = Sunday |
iFirstWeekOfYear | | 0 | |
iLZero | Display leading zeroes | 1 | |
iMeasure | Measurement system | 1 | 0 : Metric, 1 : U.S. |
iNegCurr | Negative currency format | 0 | |
iNegNumber | Negative number format | 1 | |
iPaperSize | | 1 | |
iTime | | 0 | |
iTimePrefix | | 0 | |
iTLZero | | 0 | |
Modifying some settings in a PowerShell script
with get/set-culture
The PowerShell cmdLet nount
can be used to modify some (all) values in this
registry key:
$culture = get-culture
# Value being is changed
# --------------------------
$culture.dateTimeFormat.shortDatePattern = 'yyyy-MM-dd' # sShortDate, sDate, iDate
$culture.dateTimeFormat.shortTimePattern = 'HH:mm' # HH is supposed to be 24 hours, why does it not seem to be working.
$culture.dateTimeFormat.pmDesignator = '' # Don't show AM/PM
$culture.numberFormat.currencyPositivePattern = 2 # iCurrency
$culture.numberFormat.CurrencySymbol = 'EUR' # sCurrency
# Changing the list separator seems to
# be broken.
# use list-separator.ps1 instead.
$culture.textInfo.listSeparator = ',' # sList
set-culture $culture
With set-itemProperty
In fact, this method seems to be required in order to have a 24-hours without AM/PM designator, as per
this superuser answer.
The following
PowerShell script changes some of format settings that are specified in this registry key:
set-itemProperty 'hkcu:\Control Panel\International' sShortDate 'yyyy-MM-dd'
set-itemProperty 'hkcu:\Control Panel\International' sShortTime 'HH:mm' # Seconds not possible?
I am not sure what the best way is to apply the modifications after the script is run. Maybe something like the following:
get-process explorer | stop-process