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PowerShell cmdLet Get-Culture

get-culture returns a System.Globalization.CultureInfo object.


The property KeyboardLayoutId (of the returned CultureInfo) is a number that identifes the current(?) culture's keyboard.
This number's eight-digit hexadecimal representation with leading zeroes is found in the registry under the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layouts. This key has the value Layout Text which provides a description for the keyboard layout id.
The following PowerShell script translates such a keyboard layout id to a text:
$kbdNum =  (get-culture).KeyboardLayoutId
$kbdHex = '{0:x8}' -f $kbdNum
$kbdReg =  get-itemProperty ('hklm:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layouts\' + $kbdHex )
$kbdTxt =  $kbdReg."Layout Text"

"Keyboard Layout ID $kbdNum ($kbdHex) corresponds to $kbdTxt"
Github repository about-PowerShell, path: /cmdlets/culture/get/KeyboardLayoutId.ps1

See also

Powershell command noun: culture
