Search notes:

Windows registry: data types

Values have data associated with it. This data is of one of the following types:
REG_SZ a nul terminated string
REG_EXPAND_SZ a nul terminated string with the names of environment variables embeded between percent signs (%).
REG_BINARY A blob (untyped «array of bytes»)
REG_MULTI_SZ A sequence of nul terminated strings, separated by a space, comma or other delimiter.
REG_DWORD a 4 byte integer value.
REG_QWORD an 8 byte integer value
REG_NONE no data type (What's the difference to REG_BINARY?)
REG_LINK A Unicode string that names a symbolic link

See also

The data types are also found in the Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind enum.


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