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PowerShell Cmdlet: Get-Process

get-process returns objects whose type is System.Diagnostics.Process.
ps is an alias for get-process.

Terminating a process

A process can be terminated with the returned object's Kill() method, for example because the process in question is hanging:
PS:\> (get-process excel).kill()

Selecting specific processes

Property value

By combining get-process and where-object in a pipeline, it's possible to select processes by criterias applied on their properties:
get-process  | where-object name -match app
Select processes whose process memory (pm) is greater than 250 mega bytes:
get-process  | where-object pm -gt 250mb

-id / (Process identifier)

The -id option allows to select a process by its process identifier.
get-process -id $PID | select-object startTime, totalProcessorTime, userProcessorTime, virtualMemorySize, workingSet

See also

Using the cmdlet get-counter to find processor intensive processes.
get-process is one of the cmdLets with the -computerName parameter.
Powershell command noun: process
