Declaring arrays
An array might be declared like so:
dim arrayName() as dataType
The following example uses this syntax to declare an array and calls
to initialize the array with some strings.
option explicit
sub main() ' {
dim arrayOfStrings() as string
dim i as integer
arrayOfStrings = split("foo/bar/baz", "/")
for i = lBound(arrayOfStrings) to uBound(arrayOfStrings)
debug.print i & ": " & arrayOfStrings(i)
next i
end sub ' }
In order to declare an array with a fixed size, the
dim a(n to m) as …
construct might be used. This has also the benefit, that we don't have to rely on the
option base
option explicit
sub main() ' {
dim ary(0 to 2) as integer
dim i as integer
dim sum as integer
ary(0) = 42
ary(1) = 99
ary(2) = -8
sum = 0
for i = 0 to 2
sum = sum + ary(i)
next i
debug.print "sum = " & sum
end sub ' }
Multi-dimensional arrays
option explicit
sub main() ' {
dim xyz(0 to 3, _
0 to 4, _
0 to 5) as long
dim x as long, y as long, z as long
for x = lbound(xyz, 1) to ubound(xyz, 1)
for y = lbound(xyz, 2) to ubound(xyz, 2)
for z = lbound(xyz, 3) to ubound(xyz, 3)
xyz(x, y , z) = x*y + 2*z + y
debug.print("xyz(" & x & ", " & y & ", z) = " & xyz(x, y, z))
next z
next y
next x
end sub ' }
Creating arrays
An easy way to create an array is to use the
function. It returns a
variant, however.
Using bracket notation
An interesting way to create arrays is using brackets (which is a short hand notation for
option explicit
sub main() ' {
dim ary as variant
ary = [{ 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 }]
dim i as integer
for i = lBound(ary) to uBound(ary)
debug.print ary(i)
next i
end sub ' }
In a similar spirit, a two dimensional array can be created. A comma separates the element within an array, the semicolon separates the arrays:
option explicit
sub main()
dim ary_2d as variant
ary_2d = [ { 1,2,3 ; "foo","bar","baz" }]
dim i as integer
for i = 1 to 3
debug.print ary_2d(1, i) & ": " & ary_2d(2, i)
next i
end sub
Determining the size of an array
There is no built-in function that returns the size (length) of an array. Two functions are needed to calculate the size of an array:
and uBound
. These return the lower and upper index of the elements in an array, respectively.
Thus, the size of array is:
uBound(ary) - lBound(ary) + 1