Search notes:
VBA arrays: layout in memory
The following simple
VBA script tries to demonstrate how
arrays are laid out in memory:
option explicit
private declare sub RtlMoveMemory lib "kernel32" alias "RtlMoveMemory" ( _
dest as any , _
src as any , _
byVal size as long )
private declare sub RtlFillMemory lib "kernel32" alias "RtlFillMemory" ( _
dest as any , _
byVal size as long, _
byVal fill as byte )
sub main() ' {
dim bytes(0 to 11) as byte
RtlFillMemory bytes(0), 12, 0
' First num (bytes 0 .. 3)
bytes( 0) = 42
' Second num (bytes 4 .. 7)
' 4*256 + 176 = 1200
bytes( 4) = 176
bytes( 5) = 4
' Third num (bytes 8 .. 11)
bytes( 8) = 255
bytes( 9) = 255
bytes(10) = 255
bytes(11) = 255
dim longs(0 to 2) as long
RtlMoveMemory longs(0), bytes(0), 12
debug.print "longs(0) = " & longs(0)
' longs(0) = 42
debug.print "longs(1) = " & longs(1)
' longs(1) = 1200
debug.print "longs(2) = " & longs(2)
' longs(2) = -1
end sub ' }