activateMicrosoftApp() | Activates or starts (another) Office application |
activeCell | Evaluates to the active cell |
activeChart | |
activeEncryptionSession | |
activePrinter | |
activeProtectedViewWindow | |
activeSheet | |
activeWindow | |
activeWorkbook | |
addCustomList() | See also customListCount , getCustomListContents() , deleteCustomList() |
addIns | |
addIns2 | |
alertBeforeOverwriting | Controls if a message is displayed before a non-blank cell is overwritten during a drag-and-drop editing operation. |
altStartupPath | |
alwaysUseClearType | Can be used to overwrite a turned-off ClearType Windows Settings. |
application | |
arbitraryXMLSupportAvailable | |
askToUpdateLinks | If false , links are automatically updated, without first prompting the user (see the Ask to update automatic links option under File -> Options -> Advanced -> General |
assistance | Returns an IAssistance interface. |
autoCorrect | |
autoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceHyperlinks | |
automationSecurity | |
autoPercentEntry | |
autoRecover | |
build | |
calculate() | Re-calculates all open workbooks. Compare with the worksheet.calculate and range.calculate methods, and the calculation property. |
calculateBeforeSave | |
calculateFull() | |
calculateFullRebuild() | |
calculateUntilAsyncQueriesDone() | Runs all pending queries to OLEDB and OLAP data sources. |
calculation | A value of the xlCalculation enumeration: xlCalculationAutomatic (-4105), xlCalculationManual (-4135) or xlCalculationSemiautomatic (2)) |
calculationInterruptKey | |
calculationState | |
calculationVersion | |
caller | |
canPlaySounds | compare with enableSound |
canRecordSounds | |
caption | |
cellDragAndDrop | |
cells | |
centimetersToPoints() | Converts a distance measured in centimeters to points (1 point = 0.035 centimeters). See also with inchesToPoints() |
chartDataPointTrack | |
charts | |
checkAbort() | |
checkSpelling() | Returns true if a word is found in a spell check dictionary (main or custom), false otherwise. |
clipboardFormats | |
clusterConnector | Specifies the name of a High Performance Computing (HPC) Cluster Connector (which is used to run user-defined functions in XLLs). See also useClusterConnector |
columns | |
COMAddIns | |
commandBars | |
commandUnderlines | |
constrainNumeric | |
controlCharacters | |
convertFormula() | converts formulas between reference styles (A1 or R1C1) and/or between relative and absolute addresses (see also range.address ) |
copyObjectsWithCells | |
creator | |
cursor | |
cursorMovement | |
customListCount | see also addCustomList() |
cutCopyMode | |
dataEntryMode | Data entry mode prevents a user from entering data into locked cells of the currently selected Range. |
DDEAppReturnCode | |
DDEExecute() | |
DDEInitiate() | |
DDEPoke() | |
DDERequest() | |
DDETerminate() | |
decimalSeparator | The decimal separator character. See also thousandsSeparator , useSystemSeparators , range.numberFormat and the menu File -> Options -> Advanced -> Editing Options -> Use system separators. |
defaultFilePath | The default directory Excel shows when opening files |
defaultSaveFormat | |
defaultSheetDirection | |
defaultWebOptions | |
deferAsyncQueries | |
deleteCustomList() | Deletes a custom list. See lso addCustomList() |
dialogs | |
display* | See display properties |
doubleClick() | simlute a mouse-double-click on the active cell (which is equivalent to pressing the keyboard shortcut F2 and allows to edit the formula in the cell). |
editDirectlyInCell | |
enableAnimations | deprecated |
enableAutoComplete | |
enableCancelKey | |
enableCheckFileExtensions | |
enableEvents | controls whether an event triggers the corresponding event procedure. |
enableLargeOperationAlert | |
enableLivePreview | |
enableMacroAnimations | |
enableSound | Compare with canPlaySounds |
errorCheckingOptions | |
evaluate() | Converts a name to an object or a value. If the name is not dynamic, the shorthand [ … ] (square brackets) can be used. |
excel4IntlMacroSheets | |
excel4MacroSheets | |
executeExcel4Macro() | |
extendList | Specifies if formatting and formulas are extended to added list-data. |
featureInstall | |
fileConverters | |
fileDialog | |
fileExportConverters | |
fileValidation | Controls if files are validated (and possibly opened in Protected View) before opening a file. See also the ProtectedViewWindow object. |
fileValidationPivot | |
findFile() | Displays the open file dialog to open a file. Compare with getOpenFilename() |
findFormat | Find cells with a specific formatting |
fixedDecimal | |
fixedDecimalPlaces | |
flashFill | |
flashFillMode | |
formulaBarHeight | Sets the height of the Formula bar. |
generateGetPivotData | Controls the ability to get PivotTable reports. |
generateTableRefs | Controls if tables are referenced using the traditional or the new structured notation in formulas |
getCustomListContents() | see also customListCount , addCustomList() |
getCustomListNum() | |
getOpenFilename() | Displays the open file dialog to choose a file. Compare with getSaveAsFilename() , findFile() |
getPhonetic() | |
getSaveAsFilename() | Opens the standard Save as dialog and lets the user choose a file with it, yet without actually saving a file. Compare with getSaveAsFilename() |
goto() | allows to jump to a specific cell on a worksheet or a user defined VBA function |
height | The height of the main application window, measured in points. |
help() | |
highQualityModeForGraphics | |
hinstance | |
hinstancePtr | |
hWnd | |
ignoreRemoteRequests | |
inchesToPoints() | See centimetersToPoints() |
inputBox() | Displays a dialog to request input from the user. |
interactive | |
international | Returns locale related information. |
intersect() | Returns the intersection of one or more ranges. See Set operations |
isSandboxed | True if the workbook is open in a Protected View window. |
iteration | |
languageSettings | |
largeOperationCellThousandCount | |
left | |
libraryPath | |
macroOptions() | |
mailLogoff() | |
mailLogon() | Connect to MAPI Mail or Microsoft Exchange. |
mailSession | |
mailSystem | |
mapPaperSize | |
mathCoprocessorAvailable | |
maxChange | |
maxIterations | |
measurementUnit | |
mergeInstances | |
mouseAvailable | |
moveAfterReturn | Controls if the active cell is moved when the Enter key is pressed. If true , it moves to the direction specified in moveAfterReturnDirection |
moveAfterReturnDirection | |
multiThreadedCalculation | |
name | |
names | |
networkTemplatesPath | |
newWorkbook | |
nextLetter() | |
ODBCErrors | |
ODBCTimeout | |
OLEDBErrors | |
onKey() | Run the specified procedure when the given key or key-combination is pressed. |
onRepeat() | |
onTime() | Run a procedure at a given time or in a given period. Compare with wait |
onUndo() | |
onWindow | Specifies the name of the procedure that is executed when a window is activated. |
operatingSystem | The name of the OS on which this Excel installation runs. |
organizationName | |
parent | |
path | |
pathSeparator | |
pivotTableSelection | |
previousSelections | |
printCommunication | |
productCode | Returns the GUID for Excel. |
promptForSummaryInfo | |
protectedViewWindows | |
quickAnalysis | |
quit() | |
range | |
ready | |
recentFiles | |
recordMacro() | |
recordRelative | |
referenceStyle | |
registeredFunctions | |
registerXLL() | Registers the functions and commands that the specified XLL |
repeat() | |
replaceFormat | |
rollZoom | |
rows | |
RTD | Returns an RTD (Real Time Data) object |
run() | Runs a VBA-macro or a function. |
saveWorkspace() | deprecated |
screenUpdating | Controls if a workbook or worksheet is updated while a macro is running. Setting screenUpdating to false is generally believed to improve macro execution performance. |
selection | Returns the currently selected object. See also window.rangeSelection |
sendKeys() | Simulate pressing keys |
sensitivityLabelPolicy | |
sharePointVersion() | Returns the version of the SharePoint Foundation instances that are running at the specified URL |
sheets | |
sheetsInNewWorkbook | |
showChartTipNames | |
showChartTipValues | |
showDevTools | |
showMenuFloaties | Controls if mini toolbars should be displayed when a workbook-window is right clicked. |
showQuickAnalysis | |
showSelectionFloaties | |
showStartupDialog | |
showToolTips | |
smartArtColors | |
smartArtLayouts | |
smartArtQuickStyles | |
speech | Say (not write) Hello world! |
spellingOptions | |
standardFont | |
standardFontSize | |
startupPath | |
statusBar | The text in the Status bar. |
templatesPath | |
thisCell | The cell that initiated the execution of a user defined function. |
thisWorkbook | The workbook in (or from) which the «current» macro is being executed. |
thousandsSeparator | See also decimalSeparator , useSystemSeparators , range.numberFormat and the menu File -> Options -> Advanced -> Editing Options -> Use system separators. |
top | |
transitionMenuKey | |
transitionMenuKeyAction | |
transitionNavigKeys | |
undo() | |
union() | |
usableHeight | |
usableWidth | |
useClusterConnector | See clusterConnector |
usedObjects | All objects that are allocated in a workbook. |
userControl | false : Excel was started by createObject or getObject and is hidden. true : Excel was started «normally» or is visible. |
userLibraryPath | |
userName | |
useSystemSeparators | See also decimalSeparator , thousandsSeparator , range.numberFormat and the menu File -> Options -> Advanced -> Editing Options -> Use system separators. |
value | |
VBE | The «root object» of the VB Editor Object Model |
version | |
visible | |
volatile() | can be used to mark a user defined function as volatile which affects when this function is called for formula recalculation purposes. |
wait() | Pauses all Excel activity (excep printing and recalculation) for the given duration or the specified point in time. Compare with onTime |
warnOnFunctionNameConflict | |
watches | A watches object which represents a Range that is tracked when a worksheet is recalculated. |
width | |
windows | |
windowsForPens | |
windowState | Controls if the (active?) Window is maximized, minimized or shown normally. |
workbooks | |
worksheetFunction | Returns a WorksheetFunction object. |
worksheets | |