activate() | Makes the worksheet the active worksheet, see also activeSheet |
application | |
autoFilter | If filtering is enabled, returns the corresponding autoFilter object which allows to show or hide rows based on criteria of the values of the worksheet. See also .filterMode |
autoFilterMode | A boolean that controls if AutoFilter drop-down arrows are displayed. |
calculate() | (Re-)calculates all formulas on the given worksheet. |
cells | A Range that represents all cells of the worksheet. |
chartObjects() | |
checkSpelling() | Display the spelling dialog. There is also a checkSpelling on the range object. |
circleInvalid() , clearCircles() | (un-)Circle invalid entries on the worksheet. |
circularReference | |
clearArrows() | Remove the tracer arrows |
codeName | See name vs codeName and the VB Script example Change the codeName property of a worksheet. |
columns | |
comments | |
commentsThreaded | |
consolidationFunction | |
consolidationOptions | |
consolidationSources | |
copy() | Make a copy of the worksheet (Possibly into another workbook) |
creator | |
customProperties | The worksheet's customProperties collection. Compare with the customDocumentProperties and builtinDocumentProperties properties of the workbook object. |
delete() | Delete the worksheet. Temporarily set application.displayAlerts to false to prevent the confirm-dialog-box from being shown. |
displayPageBreaks | |
displayRightToLeft | |
enableAutoFilter | |
enableCalculation | |
enableFormatConditionsCalculation | |
enableOutlining | |
enablePivotTable | |
enableSelection | controls what can be selected by a user. Requires the worksheet to be protected to be in force. |
evaluate() | |
exportAsFixedFormat() | Export as PDF or XPS. Compare with workbook.exportAsFixedFormat |
filterMode | read-only boolean that indicates if the worksheet is in filter mode. See also .autoFilter |
HPageBreaks , VPageBreaks | A collection of Horizontal and vertical page preaks |
hyperlinks | |
index | The position of the worksheet within the workbook. See also .move() and copy() |
listObjects | |
mailEnvelope | |
move() | Move the worksheet to another location within the workbook, or create a new workbook from the worksheet.. See also the .index property. |
name | The name of a worksheet uniquely identifies the worksheet within a workbook. See name vs codeName |
names | A collection of name objects. |
next , previous | The «next»/«previous» worksheet. |
OLEObjects() | |
outline | |
pageSetup | |
parent | |
paste() | |
pasteSpecial() | Can be used, for example, to render HTML in a cell. |
pivotTables() | |
pivotTableWizard() | Create a new PivotTable report without display the PivotTable Wizard (not available for OLE DB data sources). |
printedCommentPages | |
printOut() | |
printPreview() | |
protect() , unprotect() | |
protectContents | |
protectDrawingObjects | |
protection | |
protectionMode | |
protectScenarios | |
queryTables | |
range | |
resetAllPageBreaks() | |
rows | |
saveAs() | |
scenarios() | |
scrollArea | defines the area within which a user can scroll a worksheet or select cells. |
select() | Selects the worksheet and optionally adds it to the currently selected set of worksheets. |
setBackgroundPicture() | |
shapes | |
showAllData() | Show currently filtered rows in a list. If an AutoFilter is set, its arrows are changed to All. |
showDataForm() | Display the data form that is associated with the respective worksheet. |
sort | Read/only: The worksheet's sort object. |
standardHeight , standardWidth | Default height/width of rows/columns, measured in points. |
tab | Returns a tab object (which can be used to change the color of the worksheet tab). |
transitionExpEval | |
transitionFormEntry | |
type | Returns the worskheet type (xlChart , xlDialogSheet , xlExcel4IntlMacroSheet , xlExcel4MacroSheet , xlWorksheet ) |
usedRange | |
visible | Specifes if the sheet is visible, hidden or very hidden. The value of visible can be set to one of the corresponding constants xlSheetVisible , xlSheetHidden or xlSheetVeryHidden . |
xmlDataQuery() | |
xmlMapQuery() | |