appActivate | Activates the window with a given title (caption) or taks id. |
beep | Makes some noise, possibly in order to get the attention of a user. |
call | To enter (call) a sub, a function or a procedure in a DLL |
chdir | Specifies the new current working dir. |
chdrive | Specifies the new current drive. |
close | Closes an input or output file. |
const | Declares a constant value. |
date | Gets the current system date. Compare with time . |
declare | Used to locate and call functions in DLLs. |
saveSetting , getSetting and deleteSetting | Writes, reads or deletes a an entry into the registry under the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings |
deftype | Specifies the default datatype at module level. |
dim | Declares variables and associates them with a datatype. |
do … loop | |
end | Ends some blocks (subs/functions, if statements etc). Compare with exit . |
enum | Declares an enumeration type. |
erase | Re-initializes the elements in an array. |
error | Simulates an error. |
event | Declares an event. See also raiseEvent |
exit | Exits some kind of block. Compare with end . |
exit for | |
filecopy | Copies a file. |
for | See also for each … next . TODO: for … next |
for each | Iterates over items in a array or a collection. |
function | |
get | Reads data from a file. |
getattr , setattr | Gets or sets a file's attributes (such as read only, hidden etc.) |
gosub … return | Calls a subroutine with a sub/function. |
goto | Similar to gosub but does not allow for a return statement. |
if (if … then / if … then … else) | |
implements | Used in connection with interfaces. |
input# | Reads from a file. |
kill | Deletes one or more file (with wildcards) |
let | Assigns a value to a variable. let is optional. |
line input# | Reads a line from a (text) file. |
load and unload | Loads or removes an object into/from memory. |
lock, unlock | |
lset | |
mid | Replaces characters within (in the middle) of a string-variable. |
mkdir | Creates a directory. |
name | Renames files and directories. |
on error | Poor man's error handling |
on...gosub, on...goto | |
open | Open a file. See also reset . |
option base | Specifies the default number for the first element in an array |
option compare | Specifies how strings are compared: binary (case sensitive) or text (case insensitive). |
option explicit | Requires variables to be declared with dim . |
option private | |
print # | Writes to a file. Compare with put# |
private | |
property get | |
property let | |
property set | |
public | declares global variables. |
put | Writes to a file. Compare with print . |
raiseEvent | Raises an event (that was declared with event ) |
randomize | Initializes the random number generator. |
redim | Re-dimensions an array. |
rem | Starts a comment (remark). The apostrophe can also be used instead. |
reset | Closes all files that were opened with open . |
resume | Resumes (normal?) control flow after an error was handled. |
rmdir | Removes a directory. |
rset | |
seek | |
select | |
sendKeys | Simulates typing into the active window |
set | Might call AddRef of the object's IUnknown . |
static | Declares a static value in a sub/function. Such variables keep their value across calls. |
stop | Stops execution (but does not end it). |
sub | |
time | Gets the computer system time. Compare with date . |
type | Creates a user defined datatype. |
while...wend | Loop over a series of statements as long a given condition is true . |
width # | |
with | |
write# | writes machine-readable text to files. |