option explicit
' This class wants to receive messages that
' were sent by an instance of the sender class.
' The following declaration specifies (a reference)
' to the instance which will send the messages:
private withEvents snd as sender
private id as string
public sub init(snd_ as sender, id_ as string) ' {
' We need to assign the reference to our member
' variable snd in order to connect messages
' that were sent from the instance to our
' member function snd_message (below)
set snd = snd_
id = id_
end sub ' }
private sub snd_message(text as string) ' {
' This is the method that receives the events that were
' sent with raiseEvent(message).
' The method name consists of two parts that are separated by
' an underscore. The first part corresponds to the name of the
' member variable that was declared with »withEvents« (snd), the
' second part is the name of the event that we have an interest in.
debug.print id & " received " & text
end sub ' }
option explicit
sub main ' {
' Create two instances that will send messages
' messages:
dim snd_1 as new sender
dim snd_2 as new sender
' Create three receivers
dim rcv_1 as new receiver
dim rcv_2 as new receiver
dim rcv_3 as new receiver
' Assign the senders to the receivers:
rcv_1.init snd_1, "foo"
rcv_2.init snd_2, "bar"
rcv_3.init snd_1, "baz"
' Send the messages
snd_1.sendMessage "Message one"
snd_2.sendMessage "Message two"
end sub ' }