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Oracle SQL*Plus

Oracle supports the SQL standard feature B021 («direct SQL») with SQL*Plus

Start SQL*Plus

SQLPLUS  [ [options]  [logon|/NOLOG]  [@sql-script  [arg-1, [arg-2…]]   ] ]


-c or -compatibility
-f or -fast Using -fast is intended to improve general performance. It changes the default values for arraysize, lobprefetch, pagesize, rowprefetch and statementcache.
-l or -logon Only one attempt to login.
-m or -markup to set markup options (csv or html options).
-nologintime Don't display last successful login time
-r or -restrict To set the restriction level (1, 2 or 3).

Syntax of logon

  username[/password][@connect_identifier]  | /
[ edition=value ]
Note that the at symbol (@) is also used for @sql-script.
sqlplus rene/theSecret@serverName:1521/serviceName


If @sql-script is specified, SQL*Plus will execute it. The symbol is probably borrowed from the alias of the start command.
The value of sql-script can either be an URL or a local filename.
Note that the at symbol (@) also has also a meaning in the logon part.


When SQL*Plus is started, it executes the site profile (glogin.sql) and the user profile (login.sql), but see also the -restrict option.

Using a net service name

Assuming the net service name is nsn:
sqlplus user/password@nsn
Net service names can be looked up in several places, for example Oracle Names.

With easy connection identifier

Connect to Oracle service named serviceName on machine/server named machineName on port number port:
sqlplus user/password@machineName:port/serviceName
Starting with Oracle 19, there is an improved variant named easy connection plus

«Long» connection string

sqlplus user/password@"(description=(address=(protocol=tcp)(host="

Omitting password

The password (after the first slash (/)) can be omited in which case SQL*Plus asks for the password.

Client side wallet

It's also possible to store credentials in a * client side wallet* in which case the password does not need to be supplied at all. In such a scenario, the user connects to the database using a simple slash:
sqlplus /@DB

Preliminary connections

A preliminary connection does not not create a process state and/or session state object and can therefore be used as a light connection with limited access to the SGA to at least shutdown and restart a database or execute ORADEBUG commands if the instance seems to be hanging or the maximum number of processes has been reached (ORA-00020 maximum number of processes exceeded).
$ sqlplus -prelim / as sysdba
SQL> oradebug …
SQL> shutdown …
$ sqlplus /nolog
SQL> set _prelim on
SQL> connect / as sysdba
See also MOS Note 986640.1

cmd.exe / Character set (UTF8)

When working with UTF-8 encoded files and cmd.exe or PowerShell on Windows, the environment variable NLS_LANG should be set to .AL32UTF8 and the code page set to 65001:
C:\> set NLS_LANG=.AL32UTF8
C:\> chcp 65001
C:\> sqlplus rene/theUglySecret@ora19

Colors when started in cmd.exe

Colored output (using ANSI Escape Codes) in SQL*Plus, when started from cmd.exe, can be enabled with the following simple invocation of powershell.exe (See also writing colored output to the console with VBScript):
host powershell.exe -noProfile -executionPolicy bypass -c "exit"
After enabling colors, they can be used like so:
   dbms_output.put_line(chr(27) || '[93m' || 'Warning: ...'); -- Print something in yellow
   dbms_output.put_line(chr(27) || '[91m' || 'Error  : ...'); -- Print something in red
   dbms_output.put_line(chr(27) || '[0m'  || 'Normal text '); -- Reset color
Clearing the console:
select chr(27) || '[2J' from dual;
True color:
select chr(27) || '[38;2;' || (level-1) || ';0;0mt' || chr(27) || '[0m' from dual connect by level <= 256;
select chr(27) || '[48;2;' || (level-1) || ';0;0mt' || chr(27) || '[0m' from dual connect by level <= 256;

Some commands

copy Copies the result of an select statement to another database.
clear clear bre[aks] | buff[er] | col[umns] | comp[utes] | scr[een] | sql | timi[ng]
describe Shows basic(!) characteristics of tables, views, object types or PL/SQL objects.
execute Execute a single PL/SQL statement.
exit terminates an SQL*Plus session
host executes a shell (or, on Windows, a cmd.exe) command without leaving or terminating SQL*Plus
show ? show parameters and show spparameters
spool starts writing output to a file.
start (or @) runs (executes) SQL statements in an SQL file (script).
store Store attributes of the current SQL*Plus session in a script.
timing measure elapsed time for sections in SQL Scripts
whenever sqlerror
variable Define a bind variable


The standby keyword for Data Guard standby databases.

See also

In order to see the output of dbms_output, it must be enabled with set serveroutput on.
Using variables in SQL*Plus.
Oracle tools
In order to use SQL*Plus features in Oracle SQL Developer, F5 rather than F9 should be used.
sqlcmd might be SQL Server's counterpart to SQL*Plus.
Scripts to be stored under $SQLPATH
The error messages
The PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE tables (which are installed by $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin/pupbld.sql) allow to disable commands per user.
Starting with Oracle 19c, this table is desupported.
The executable of SQL*Plus is possibly found under ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus.
Installing Instant Client
The Wikidata entity Q2575010.
The job type SQL script allows to schedule and execute an SQL script in or by SQL*Plus.
Displaying LOB (clob, blob) values in SQL*Plus
Color error messages when running an SQL-Script in a PowerShell environment with SQL*Plus.
