SQL:1999 is the ISO/IEC 9075:1999 standard of 1999.
SQL:1999 introduced the first of two collection types: the array. (These types apparently are also referred to as User Defined Types).
An amendment to SQL:1999 in 2000 added window functions. These were then incorporated into the SQL:2003 standard.
The full standard had about 2200 pages.
SQL:2003 is the ISO/IEC 9075:2003 standard of 2003
SQL:2003 introduced the merge statement and the second of two collection types: the multiset.
Data types
Because of lack of support in existing database products, the bit and bit varyingdata types were removed from the standard. (However, SQL Server still has the bit datatype).
On the other hand, three new data types were added:
Window enhancement (ntile, navigation within a window (lag, lead, nth_value, first and last), nested navigation within a window, groups option)
See Temporal features in SQL:2011 (by Krishna Kulkarni and Jan-Eike Michels covers the most important new functionality that is part of SQL:2011: the ability to create and manipulate temporal tables and Fred Zemke: What's new in SQL:2011.
See also: Final Draft (not to be used for reference purposes)
SQL:2016 is the ISO/IEC 9075:2016 standard of 2016
With the exception of part 2, SQL:2016 did not significantly change from the previous version.
The most important new features in SQL:2016 are
Support for JSON data (of the 44 new optional features of SQL:2016, 22 are related to JSON).
Various smaller changes to the existing SQL language
New features related to JSON
A new part for property graph queries (SQL/PGQ)
Parts of the standard
The SQL standard is published in multiple volumes (aka parts). Currently, these volumes are 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 13 and 14. (Gaps because some parts were withdrawn in earlier versions of the standards and their numbers are not recycled).
15: Multidimensional arrays (MDA) (Published June 2019)
16: Property Graph Query (SQL/PGQ) - Apparently being worked on for SQL:2020? (see also Oracle: SQL/PGQ)
Part 16 will define how GQL (Graph Query Language) will be made accessible to SQL. If such a part will be added is (as of July 2019) still being discussed.
Part 2
The largest and most importand part is part 2: foundations. In SQL:2011, it had 1470 pages.
The SQL standard covers a list of features which are put into one of categories
These features are listed in Annex F of each part of the standard.
An SQL implementation is called conformant if it implements all mandatory features.
It might add any optional feature.
Features seem to be numbered with (F|S|T)\d\d\d (for example F314 is merge statement with DELETE branch).
Not freely publicly available
ISO and/or(?) IEC only publishes the informative sections of the standard publicly and freely. The rest needs to be purchased.
Technical reports
Starting in 2011, the SQL Standards committees have published 7 (as of 2020-02) technical reports. They don't belong to the standard but are nevertheless a good read.
The technical reports include:
ISO/IEC TR 19075-1: XQuery Regular Expression Support in SQL
ISO/IEC TR 19075-2: SQL Support for TimeRelated Information
ISO/IEC TR 19075-3: SQL Embedded in Programs using the Java programming language
ISO/IEC TR 19075-4: SQL with Routines and types using the JavaTM programming language
ISO/IEC TR 19075-5: Row Pattern Recognition in SQL
ISO/IEC TR 19075-6: SQL support for JSON
ISO/IEC TR 19075-7: SQL Support for Polymorphic Table Functions
The next(?) technical report seems to be:
ISO/IEC TR 19075-8: SQL Support for multi dimensional arrays
These technical reports are free for single use and can be downloaded here.
The SQL standard does not have a create database statement. In fact, the SQL standard does neither define nor use the word database (except for constructs like «database application» or «database access» and in its title).
The SQL standard also does not have a create index statement.