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SQL - Structured Query Language

SQL is a name, not an acryonym. It might stand for SQL Query Language, however :-).
SQL is a declarative, textual query language for relational databases.
It combines querying, updating and administrative instructions into a single language.
The administrative instructions allow to change the properties of a database while it is running.


SAS' propretiary implementation of SQL (Ansi 1999) is FedSQL.



sqllogictest is a program designed to verify that an SQL database engine computes correct results by comparing the results to identical queries from other SQL database engines.

Parsing SQL

libpg_query uses the actual PostgreSQL server source to parse SQL queries and return the internal PostgreSQL parse tree.
Presto (the distributed SQL query engine for big data) comes with a parser.


Malloy is an experimental analytical language that provides the ability to define a semantic data model for describing and querying data relationships and transformations on SQL databases.
Malloy currently works with SQL databases BigQuery, Postgres, and querying Parquet and CSV via DuckDB.
Malloy was designed by a team of people with a lot of experience in understanding the task of extracting meaning from data. Years of constant exposure to SQL resulted in a tremendous sense of wonder at the power of SQL … and a tremendous source of frustration at how bad SQL is at representing the types of operations needed to get meaningful data out of relational databases, and how difficult it is to maintain and extend a complex set of transformations written in SQL.

See also

SQL statement
select from a table.
SQL: WHERE clause
Order of operations
Data types
ISO/IEC 9075 and some notes about the history of SQL.
The R package sqldf allows to manipuate R data frames with SQL.
The package dplyr has also some functionality that remind me of SQL.
The special null data type
The .NET namespace System.Linq.
U-SQL, the big data query language for Azure Data Lake Analytics, combines the declarative language of SQL with the programmability and type system of C#.
SEQUEL: A Structured English Query Language
MDX is a query language for OLAP.
The Wikidata entity Q47607.
Formatting SQL statements with PowerShell and the online API
