Search notes:


Wikidata does not primarily aim to store facts about the world, rather it tries to collect links to refences to knowledge.
Therefore, it's possible to have conflicting information in Wikidata which gives raise to the statement ranks (preferred, normal and deprecated).
Search for Q numbers. Use the p: prefix to search for identifiers for an item.

Data model

The «Q Nr» of the wikidata data model is Q16354757.
With SPARQL, its possible to query some features of that data model.

Wikidata data model parts

The following query selects the (three) wikidata data model parts (using the P527 relation):

#  ( substr(str(?part_), 32) as ?qNr )
{  #
   # Q16354757: Wikidata Data Model
   # P527:      has parts

     wd:Q16354757      wdt:P527      ?wikidataPart_ .
    ?wikidataPart_    rdfs:label     ?wikidataPart  . filter(lang(?wikidataPart) = 'en')

order by

Parts of the wikidata data model:

Similarly, the P361 relation shows the parts of the wikidata data model:

#  ( substr(str(?part_), 32) as ?qNr )
{  #
   # Q16354757: Wikidata Data Model
   # P361:      part of

    ?part_     wdt:P361   wd:Q16354757 .
#   wd:Q16354757     wdt:P361   ?part  .
    ?part_    rdfs:label ?part         . filter(lang(?part) = 'en')

order by
I am not sure why some parts are modelled with the P527 and others with the P361 relation.


Wikidata has subjects on which structured data is stored. These subjects are called entities.
There are two types of entities:
  • item (whose identifier starts with Q)
  • property (whose identifiers start with P)
The entities and properties form a directed graph in which the entities are the nodes and the properties are the edges.
The model is different from RDF in that the graphs's edges (i.e. the properties) can be annotated. Such annotations record the the source of the information, the temporal validity etc.
The Q Number for Wikidata entity is Q32753077.
An S. N. A. K. (Q86719099) is the basic information structure used to describe entities in Wikidata.


An item has typically a Wikipage in at least one Wikipedia language.
An item page consists of (at least?) these main parts
  • label
  • description
  • list of aliases
  • list of statements
  • list of site links
An item is identified by
  • its Q-number, or
  • the combination of label and description.
Label, description and aliases are also known by terms. These are used to find and display items.


Properties have terms but no statements or site links.
A property has a data type that constrains the accepted range of values.
Interesting properties include
P17 The sovereign state in which subject is located, not to be used for human beings. Compare with P131.
P18 image
P31 instance of, corresponds to rdf:type. Compare with P279 (subclass of), P463 (member of) and P1963 (has property).
P131 located in the administrative territorial entity (Compare with P17, P276, P1382)
P276 Location. (Compare with P131, P625, P8138, P706, P7153)
P279 instance of. Corresponds to rdfs:subClassOf. Compare with P31.
P402 OpenStreetMap relation ID. Compare P3896
P571 start date, compare P576
P576 dissolved, abolished or demolished date, Compare P582, P571
P585 Point in time
P625 WGS84-Coordinates of subject. Distances between two such coordinates can be calculated with geof:distance(?c1, ?c2). Compare with P2044 (elevation).
P771 Swiss municipality code (BFS Number)
P856 Official website, compare with P6269
P1566 Geonames ID (formatter is$1)
P3896 Geoshape (Wikicommons). Compare P402
P5305 SPARQL Endpoint
P6269 Base URL of a web service. Compare with P856
P8402 Open Data portal


Q107649491 is a wikidata metaclass for property-types.
P1629 links a property to a wikidata item that corresponds to the concept that is represented by that property.


Q5 human. Compare with Q15978631.
Q83 MediaWiki
Q341 Free software
Q7397 Computer Software
Q42848 data.
Q70208 Swiss municipality
Q7907943 Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
Q16354757 Wikidata Data Model (see this SVG graphic)
Q16354758 Wikibase (collection of software for structured data)
Q19798645 Wikibase datatype
Q107649491 Type of wikidata properties
Q108606989 Wikimedia article badge


Lexemes start with an L, for example L43313.

E… (Schema)

There is also a concept of schemas. Their identifier starts with E, for example E13: natural numbers, E16: software titles or E100: cities
A Schema is used to define a set of rules to which the subset of wikidata that belongs to this schema should conform.


A statement can be enriched with a qualifier which provides additional context information for the claim.
Qualifiers are expressed as properties.
Examples for qualifiers are start date (P580) or end date (P582).
A statement can include one or more references which support the claim.
A reference is property-value pair (or a list of property-value pairs?)


A statement has an associated rank which is one of
preferred wikibase:PreferredRank Typically used for the most up-to-date value or the value with the broadest consensus, and is ideally applied to a sourced statement (See P248 «stated in» and P854 «reference URL»)
normal wikibase:NormalRank
deprecated wikibase:DeprecatedRank Typically used for wrong or out-of-date values. Wrong values may be connected with a «reason for deprecated rank» (P2241) relation, out-of-date values with a «start time» (P580) and «end time» (P582) relation.
A statement is connected to a rank with the (or wikibase:rank) relation.
The following query selects the the three ranks:
  distinct ?rank
#  []    <>   ?rank .
   []     wikibase:rank                     ?rank .


The claim is the objective of a statement.
Ranks and references do not belong the statement's claim.


None and some

A property can have the value none or some.
none indicates that it is known that the given property was not available for the entity.
some indicates what it is known that the given property was available, but we don't know its value.



SERVICE wikibase:label

service wikibase:label looks up labels, descriptions and/or alternative labels (AltLabel) for unbound variables whose names end in Label, Description and/or AltLabel:
#  ?countryPrefLabel
#  ?altLabelDirect
    wd:Q188 wdt:P17 ?country .
 # ?country <> ?altLabelDirect . filter(lang(?altLabelDirect) = 'en')
    service wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . }
With this «service», it's not necessary to explicitly use rdfs:label, skos:altLabel and schema:description.

Default namespace: wd

By default, SERVICE wikibase:label only supplies labels for entities in the wd: namepace.
This can be changed by adding ?prop wikibase:directClaim ?p to the query.

Lexemes (Lemmas)

Lexemes are not automatically looked up with this service. Thus, a optional { ?x wikibase:lemma ?xLabel } is required for lexemes:
   values (?x) {
      (wd:Q39    )
   optional { ?x wikibase:lemma ?xLabel }
   service wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam  wikibase:language  'en,de,fr,rm' }
Search for lexemes in a few given languages:
   (lang(?L) as ?lng)
  ?lem wikibase:lemma ?L .
      { ?lem wikibase:lemma "ding"@da } union
      { ?lem wikibase:lemma "ding"@en } union
      { ?lem wikibase:lemma "ding"@pt }
Search for a lexeme in any language:
   (lang(?str)     as ?lng)
   ?lem wikibase:lemma ?str . filter(str(?str) = "ding")

Wikidata Query Service (WDQS)

WDQS is the server that executes wikidata queries formulated in SPARQL.

connecting wd:P… to their counterpart …:P… nodes

wikibase:directClaim connects wd:P… to its counterpart wdt:P….
The following query returns wdt:P10:
select * {
   wd:P10 wikibase:directClaim ?y  .
There are quite a few …:P… nodes which all can be reached from wd:P…. The following query returns true:
ask {
   wd:P31   wikibase:claim                   p:P31 .
   wd:P31   wikibase:directClaim           wdt:P31 .
   wd:P31   wikibase:novalue              wdno:P31 .
   wd:P31   wikibase:qualifier              pq:P31 .
   wd:P31   wikibase:qualifierValue        pqv:P31 .
   wd:P31   wikibase:reference              pr:P31 .
   wd:P31   wikibase:referenceValue        prv:P31 .
   wd:P31   wikibase:statementProperty      ps:P31 .
   wd:P31   wikibase:statementValue        psv:P31 .


wikibase:badge assigns a badge (such as «good article badge») to a Wikipedia article.
The following query finds all(?) German featured articles:
   ?featuredArticle wikibase:badge        wd:Q17437796 ;
                    schema:inLanguage    "de"          ;
                    schema:about         ?about        .
   ?about           rdfs:label           ?aboutTxt     .

   filter(lang(?aboutTxt) = 'de')
order by lcase(?aboutTxt)
The following query lists the number of assigned badges for each badge:
   service wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[auto_language],en". }
         (count(*) as ?cnt)
        []  wikibase:badge  ?badge 
      group by
order by


The types (rdf:type) of wikibase:Dump are schema:Dataset and owl:Ontology:
   wikibase:Dump  rdf:type   ?type


   ?a ?b
  wikibase:Dump ?a ?b .
   ?rel ?x
   values (?rel) {
     (schema:softwareVersion                 )
     (owl:imports                            )

   wikibase:Dump ?rel ?x .


wikibase:identifiers indicates the number of identifiers for a topic.
The following query finds the maximum number of identifiers for a topic (which, as of 2022-11-17, is 833):
   (max(?nofIdentifiers) as ?maxNofIdentifers)
#  Use a subquery to prevent a timeout:
      select distinct
         [] wikibase:identifiers ?nofIdentifiers .
The following query finds all topics that have 833 identifiers:
   ?x wikibase:identifiers 833 .
As of 2022-11-17, this query returns one record: Q88174316.


The data type of a property item (wd:P…) can be queried with wikibase:propertyType.
As of October 2022, there are 17 property (or data) types:
The list of these property types were obtained with the following query:
select distinct
  [] wikibase:propertyType ?propertyType .
order by
A list of properties for a given property type is returned by the following query:
   ?prop    wikibase:propertyType  <> .

    service wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . }


The wikibase:lemma relations connects entities whose type is ontolex:LexicalEntry to strings:
   (datatype(?lem) as ?dtp)
   ?sub wikibase:lemma ?lem .
   ?sub rdf:type       ?typ .
limit 100


   hint:Query hint:optimizer "None".
      select distinct
         [] wikibase:lexicalCategory ?category
   service wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language 'en,de,fr,de,ru,tg' . }
order by

wikibase:quantityAmount and wikibase:quantityUnit


   values (?item)
      ( wd:Q46588    )  # Cordillera Kimsa Cruz : a mountain range in Bolivia
      ( wd:Q499164   )  # Ascraeus Mons         : a martian shield volcano
      ( wd:Q55615607 )  # Kalindi Pass          : highest and most adventurous trekking trail in India (almost 6000 M)

   ?item        p:P2044                 ?eleStmts    .
   ?eleStmts    psv:P2044               ?eleValues   .

   ?eleValues   wikibase:quantityAmount ?elevation   .
   ?eleValues   wikibase:quantityUnit   ?unit        .

   ?item        rdfs:label              ?itemLabel   .
   ?unit        rdfs:label              ?unitLabel   .

   filter(lang(?itemLabel) = 'en')
   filter(lang(?unitLabel) = 'en')


See statements.


   (max(?nofSitelinks) as ?maxNofSitelinks)
#  Use a subquery to prevent a timeout:
      select distinct
         [] wikibase:sitelinks ?nofSitelinks .
   ?x wikibase:sitelinks 873 .
As of 2022-11-17, the topic with the most site links is Q105429923

wikibase:* TODO

wikibase:statements, wikibase:quantityNormalized, wikibase:grammaticalFeature, wikibase:quantityLowerBound, wikibase:quantityUpperBound, wikibase:geoGlobe, wikibase:geoPrecision, wikibase:geoLongitude, wikibase:geoLatitude. wikibase:timeCalendarModel, wikibase:timeTimezone, wikibase:timePrecision, wikibase:timeValue


schema:about links a Wikipedia URL to a «wd:…» number.
The following query translates the Hebrew Wikipedia page of Zurich to Q72:
   <> schema:about ?wdNr .
schema:about can be combined with schema:isPartOf to query the Wikipedia URL of a given topic (Q-Nr) in a given Wikipedia language:
   ?wikipediaURL schema:about     wd:Q72                        .
   ?wikipediaURL schema:isPartOf <>    .


schema:Article is the type (rdf:type) of a Wikipedia article URL.
Thus, the following query returns true:
ask {
  <>  rdf:type  schema:Article .


There is only one record returned by the following query. The value of ?subj in that record is wikibase:Dump.
select *
  ?subj rdf:type schema:Dataset .


schema:inLanguage relates a Wikimedia(?) article to a language.


schema:name relates a Wikimedia URL to a label.
The following query finds the URLs that are associated with August Piccard in French and Oracle Database in English.

   values (?name) {
     ("Auguste Piccard"     @fr)
     ("Oracle Database"     @en)

   ?wikimediaURL schema:name ?name
The following query finds the label that is associated with a given Wikimedia URL
 (lang(?label) as ?lang)
   <>  schema:name ?label .


The schema:isPartOf relation connects a Wikimedia URL to a wikimedia project.
The following query returns <>
select ?partOf
   <> schema:isPartOf ?partOf
The following query uses SPARQL's distinct operator to select all wikimedia(?) related websites.
select distinct ?partOf
   $item schema:isPartOf ?partOf
order by
Compare schema:isPartOf with the P361 («part of») relation.


  (lang(?descr) as ?lang)
   wd:Q39 schema:description ?descr .

schema:* TODO:

schema:modified, schema:version, schema:description

Combining some schema:* relations

  (lang(?term) as ?termLang)

   values (?term) {

   ?wikimediaURL schema:name       ?term       .
   ?wikimediaURL schema:about      ?wikidataID .
   ?wikimediaURL schema:isPartOf   ?project    .
   ?wikimediaURL schema:inLanguage ?lang       .


The rdfs:label predicates assigns a text and a language to a node. The language ID of the added text can be quried with the lang(…) function.
The following query selects translations of «Switzerland» and their language ID and order them by the language ID:
  (lang(?label) as ?langId)
   wd:Q39   rdfs:label  ?label .
order by
lang(…) can be used in a filter clause to limit the result to a given language (in the following example to Bengali, whose ID is bn):
   wd:Q39   rdfs:label  ?label .
   filter( lang(?label) = 'bn' )
See also the skos:altLabel predicate.


The value for ?type of any ?x rdf:type ?type triplet is one of:
schema:Article The URL of a Wikipedia article
schema:Dataset Only one triplet!
wikibase:BestRank Something like wds:Q103-08172073-0D68-4629-BE18-9CF0DD561EB1
wikibase:GeoAutoPrecision Something like wdv:8000239f9ef48fc7fb846097dc6a3e12
wikibase:GlobecoordinateValue Something like wdv:8000047f8684a2c2aebdc7ba7c394403
wikibase:Property The type of some(?) wd:P…
wikibase:QuantityValue Something like wdv:800000dc9c08f381edb20359f260af3f
wikibase:TimeValue Something like wdv:8000170412b9aeb739d076fed903a0ff
owl:Class The type of wdno:P…
owl:DatatypeProperty The type of some wdt:P…
owl:ObjectProperty The type of some wdt:P…
owl:Ontology Only one triplet
owl:Restriction The type of something similar to
ontolex:Form Forms of lexemes? (for example wd:L10033-F2)
ontolex:LexicalEntry Lexemes (for example wd:L484)
ontolex:LexicalSense For example wd:L17815-S1


There is only one record returned by the following query. The value of ?subj in that record is wikibase:Dump.
select *
  ?subj rdf:type owl:Ontology .

prov:* TODO



skos:altLabel assigns a list of aliases to a node.
In a wikidata entry page, these aliases appear under the column Also known as.
   wd:Q39   skos:altLabel  ?alias .
   filter( lang(?alias) = 'en' )
See also the rdfs:label predicate.

ontolex:* TODO

ontolex:representation, ontolex:lexicalForm

dct:* TODO



Query the grammatical gender (P5185) of the german word Aprikose.
   ?lexem      rdf:type       ontolex:LexicalEntry .
   ?lexem      dct:language   wd:Q188              . # Q188:  German
   ?lexem      wikibase:lemma ?text                . filter(str(?text) = "Aprikose")
   ?lexem      wdt:P5185      ?gender_             . # P5185: grammatical gender
   ?gender_    rdfs:label     ?gender              . filter(lang(?gender) = 'de')


wdt:P… connects a node to its so-called «truthy value».

p: connect wd:Q… to wds:…

A «p:…» relation connects a «wd:Q» number to a «wds:…» node (Wikidata Query Service):
   wd:Q544  p:P2670  ?wds .  # Q544 = Solar System
   ?wds     ?rel     ?obj .

ps: connect wds: to simple value

A «ps:…» relation connects a «wds:…» node to a simple value. Apparently, simple values are «Q numbers»
The following query sort of reverses the above query (Wikidata Query Service):
   wds:Q544-1edcc7b8-4eb3-28d9-35b5-b6ff5bbc8e38 ps:P2670 ?wd .
Note that a «wdt:» relation connects a «wd:» node to a simple value.

p: , ps: and pq:

The following query prints a line chart of the population growth in Swizerland since 1970 and tries to demonstrate the combined usage of p:, ps: and pq: relations.
First, wd:Q39 p:P1082 ?populationStmt extracts all statements that are relate Swizterland (Q39) to its population (p:1082).
Then, the pq:P585 relation extracts each statement's year, and ps:P1082 the statement's population value. It is unclear to me why I have to use pq: for one relation an ps: for the other one.
Finally, the filter condition only selects values where the year is greater or equal to 1970 (Run it):
  wd:Q39          p:P1082  ?populationStmt .
  ?populationStmt pq:P585  ?year           ;
                  ps:P1082 ?population     .
  filter(year(?year) >= 1970)
order by
I belive that pq: stands for «property qualifier» and ps: for «property statement».
Note: this example also demonstrates a weakness of wikidata: no population values are shown for the years 2015, 2016 and after 2017, probably, because these values were imported before 2018 and are not maintained anymore.


TODO: does psn: stand for «normalized property statement»?


TODO: does pqv: stand for «property qualifier value»?

P31 / instanceOf

P31 connects an object to the class of which it is an instance.
The following query finds the 100 classes with the most objects that belong to that class:
with {
  (count(*) as ?cnt)
     [] wdt:P31 ?x .
  group by ?x
  order by desc(?cnt)
  limit 100
   as %I
   include %I 
   service wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . }
order by


descibe <entity> returns all triplets where <entity> is subject or object:
describe <>

Wikidata categories

A Wikidata category is an instance of Q4167836.
As of October 2022, there are over 5 Million categories:
   (count(*) as ?cntWikidataCategories)
   ?category  wdt:P31  wd:Q4167836 .

Disambiguation pages

A so-called disambiguation page should be an instance of wd:Q4167410.
The following query verifies if wd:Q399841 (Oracle) is a disambiguation page:
ask {
   wd:Q399841  wdt:P31  wd:Q4167410 .
See also «Wikipedia article covering multiple topics» (Q21484471), «main subject» (P921) and «has parts» (P527)

RDFS and OWL terms

The Wikidata schema avoids direct use of RDFS or OWL terms and redefines many of them, e.g. wkd:P31 defines a local property similar to rdf:type. There are attempts to connect Wikidata properties to RDFS/OWL and provide alternative exports of Wikidata data.

Finding an Wikidata item's corresponding DBpedia resource

On the DBpedia SPARQL endpoint, a Wikidata item's corresponding DBpedia resource can be queried like so:
   ?sub  owl:sameAs  <> .

Wikidata Query Service

Default View

The Wikidata Query Serivce allows to emit the selected data in various formats. The format needs to be specified as comment:


The following example creates a line chart. For simplicity, the rendered values are hardcoded. (Run it).
select ?x ?y {
   values (?x ?y) {
      ( 1  20)
      ( 6  23)
      ( 9  21)
      (11  19)
      (14  20)
      (15  22)
      (17  24)


If a query result returns coordinates, #defaultView:Map will create a map:
The following query produces a map with castles (Q23413) or castle ruins (Q17715832) located in the Kanton Zurich (Q11943):
 # Use distinct to make all points on the map equally sized.
 # Some nodes are linked with both, Q23413 and Q17715832, and thus
 # would be drawn with a bigger point.
   values (?castleType) {
      ( wd:Q23413    )
      ( wd:Q17715832 )

   ?castle  wdt:P31    ?castleType ;
            p:P131     ?locStmt    ;
            wdt:P625   ?coord      ;
           rdfs:label  ?name       .

   ?locStmt ps:P131     wd:Q11943  .

   filter(lang(?name) = 'de')
"Point(lon lat)"^^geo:wktLiteral" is a coordinate literal (note: the order longitude before latitude is different from ISO 6709).
Such literals allow to draw a «hardcoded» point on a map:
   values (?coord ?text) {
       ( "Point(-6.4456011 49.872861 )"^^geo:wktLiteral  "Bishop Rock"   @en )
       ( "Point(-6.4172637 49.878124 )"^^geo:wktLiteral  "Isles of Scily"@en )
With #defaultView:Map{"layer": "?var"}, it's possible to create a layered map. The value of ?var determines in which layer an item is put. Additionally, each layer draws its items in a different color.
The following query draws a map of Switzerland where the municipalities are colored depending on their suffixes. (With the chosen suffixes here, the map is only really interesting for the German part of Switzerland):
#defaultView:Map{"layer": "?suffix"}
  (if(regex(?name, 'wil$'  ), '-wil',
   if(regex(?name, 'wilen$'), '-wilen',
   if(regex(?name, 'ikon$' ), '-ikon',
   if(regex(?name, 'iken$' ), '-iken',
   if(regex(?name, 'rach$' ), '-rach',
   if(regex(?name, 'ingen$'), '-ingen',
   if(regex(?name, 'au$'   ), '-au',
   if(regex(?name, 'bach$' ), '-bach',
   if(regex(?name, 'berg$' ), '-berg',
    "*")))))))))  as ?suffix)
with { # Use named subquery (which is guaranteed to be run only once) to improve performance
        (replace(?name, '(.*) \\w\\w$', '$1') as ?name)  # Remove occasional Canton abbreviation (for example 'Oberdorf BL')
         ?munic  wdt:P31     wd:Q70208 ;
                 wdt:P625   ?coord     ;
                 rdfs:label ?name .
        filter(lang(?name) = 'de')
} as %municipalities
where {
   include %municipalities
   ?munic       wdt:P625   ?coord     .

Some queries

Mountains higher than 4000 meters in Switzerland


  ?mountain wdt:P31      wd:Q8502   ; # ?mountain is an "instance of" (P31) a "mountain" (Q8502)
            wdt:P17      wd:Q39     ; # ?mountain has "country" (P17) "Switzerland" (Q39)
            wdt:P2044    ?elevation ; # P2044: "elevation above sea level"
            rdfs:label   ?name      . # Use rdfs:label to find the mountain's name

            filter(?elevation >= 4000)
            filter(lang(?name) = 'de')
order by

Most common relations

The following query tries to determine the most common relations.
In order to prevent a query timeout error, we have to use a nested query to select a sample of 10 Million relations before we group and count them:
   (count(?rel) as ?cnt)
   select ?rel
      ?x  ?rel ?y .
   limit 10000000
group by
order by
On 2022-10-08, the query returned
rdf:type 2150595
wikibase:rank 1307831
schema:inLanguage 900424
schema:name 900424
schema:isPartOf 900424
schema:about 888219
prov:wasDerivedFrom 793082
pq:P585 76617
pqv:P585 76615
ps:P31 42471
pq:P580 34544
pqv:P580 34498
ps:P1082 33245
psv:P1082 33244
pq:P459 32322
ps:P106 30558
ps:P646 29962
psn:P646 29962
ps:P18 22791
ps:P373 21941
pq:P582 21832
pqv:P582 21598
ps:P47 18965
pq:P1810 18165
psn:P214 15899
2022-11-12: it seems that the subquery with the limit clause skewed the data. The following query counts (assumedly) better:
with {
#  Use named subquery (which is guaranteed to be run only once) to improve performance
      (count(*) as ?cnt)
      [] ?rel_ [] 
   group by ?rel_
   order by desc(?cnt)
   limit 400             # not every relation will be matched below...
} as %rels
where {
   include %rels .
   optional { ?rel wikibase:directClaim ?rel_ . 
              ?rel rdfs:label ?relLabel . filter(lang(?relLabel) = 'en') . }
order by desc(?cnt)
The following query builds on the previous one, but only returns relations for which an english label is defined:
with { # Use named subquery (which is guaranteed to be run only once) to improve performance
      (count(*) as ?cnt)
      [] ?rel_ [] 
   group by ?rel_
   order by desc(?cnt)
   limit 400             # not every relation will be matched below...
} as %rels
where {
   include %rels .
   ?rel wikibase:directClaim ?rel_ . 
   ?rel rdfs:label ?relLabel . filter(lang(?relLabel) = 'en') .
order by desc(?cnt)

All objects of a given node

The following query returns all relations of a given node (here: Switzerland = Q39).
In order to be more readable, the query returns a relation's label.
?relType corresponds to the property type expected by the relation.
Because some relations point to another node, other relations just to a value, coalesce(…) returns either the label of the referenced node or the value.
   (coalesce(?xText, ?x) as ?obj)
#  ?x
#  ?xText

#  wd:Q35120  ?rel                   ?x       .
   wd:Q39     ?rel                   ?x       .

   ?rel_      wikibase:directClaim   ?rel     .
   ?rel_      rdfs:label             ?relText . filter(lang(?relText) = 'en')
   ?rel_      wikibase:propertyType  ?relType .
   optional {
   ?x         rdfs:label             ?xText   . filter(lang(?xText  ) = 'en')
order by



wd:Q23958852 («Variable-order class») is interesting because it is an instance (wdt:P31) of itself. The following query returns true:
ask {
   wd:Q23958852  wdt:P31  wd:Q23958852 .

Queries on the Wikimedia Commons endpoint

The Wikimedia Commons endpoint is
select *
   ?x ?y ?z 
   filter (?y != schema:dateModified)
limit 100
select *
   ps:P921        # Main subject
   wd:Q28048087 . # Benjamin Franklin
select * {
  ?x schema:contentUrl <> ;
     ?rel               ?obj

See also

Querying the Wikidata SPARQL endpoint with
An experiment that draws some Wikidata triplets with Cytoscape.js.


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