This is an attempt to create a VB Script that creates colored output on the console when run with cscript.exe.
option explicit
dim wsh
set wsh = createObject("")
dim use_ps_trick
' Try to read registry value. If value does not exist, an error is thrown.
' Therefore, we use «on error resume next» to catch such an error.
dim virtualTerminalLevel
on error resume next
virtualTerminalLevel = wsh.regRead("HKCU\Console\VirtualTerminalLevel")
if err.number <> 0 then ' {
' The registry value does not exist, we have to
' use the «powershell trick»
use_ps_trick = true
' The registry valued does exist. We use
' the «powershell trick» depending on the value:
if virtualTerminalLevel = 0 then
use_ps_trick = true
use_ps_trick = false
end if
end if ' }
' Go back to normal error handling:
on error goto 0
if use_ps_trick then ' {
dim ps
set ps = wsh.exec("powershell.exe -noProfile -executionPolicy bypass -c ""exit""")
while ps.status = 0
wScript.sleep 50
end if ' }
dim txt
txt = chr(27) & "[91mRed" & chr(27) & "[0m normal"
wscript.echo txt
dim fso, stdOut
set fso = createObject("scripting.fileSystemObject")
set stdOut = fso.getStandardStream(1)
stdOut.writeLine("[91mRed[0m normal")
' Overwriting existing text:
' <esc>[1F is: move cursor up one line
' Thus, together with wscript.sleep
' existing text is overwritten each second
' with a new color.
wscript.echo ""
wscript.echo "[92mGreen[0m "
wscript.sleep 1000
wscript.echo "[1F[93mYellow[0m "
wscript.sleep 1000
wscript.echo "[1F[94mBlue[0m "
wscript.sleep 1000
wscript.echo "[1F[95mMagenta[0m"