Search notes:

Registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console is used to configure the console host (which in turn influences cmd.exe or PowerShell).

Some values

ColorTableN Definition of 16 (N = 00…15) colors in the so-called color well
CursorSize Percentage of character size occupied by the curser, possible values seem to be 25, 50 or 100
FaceName Name of an «alternate» font. The value __DefaultTTFont__ lets the system choose a font depending on the code page.
FilterOnPaste If some special characters should be replaced when pasting (for example MS Word smart quotes). Applicable in the improved version only.
FontFamily 0 = Raster Font, 48 = TrueType Font
FontSize Width + height*65536
FontWeight 1 = Bold (GDI font weight?)
ForceV2 If the improved version of the Windows Console host should be used.
FullScreen 0 or 1
HistoryBufferSize Number of commands that can be stored in each command history buffer. Compare with NumberOfHistoryBuffers and HistoryNoDup
HistoryNoDup Prevent or allow duplicates in history. Compare with HistoryBufferSize.
InsertMode 0 = Overtype mode; 1 = Insert mode. Compare with QuickEdit
LineSelection Applicable in the improved version only
LoadConIme 1 = Load conime.exe automatically when Windows 2000(?) starts. Only used when computer's locale is 932 (Japanese), 936 (Chinese), 949 (Korean Unified Hangul) or 950 (Chinese Big5 Extended)
NumberOfHistoryBuffers Default value is 4. Compare with HistoryBufferSize
PopupColors Color for popup window (for example when pressing F2 in cmd.exe) background color followed by foreground color. Compare with ScreenColors
QuickEdit 1 enables quick edit which allows to use the mouse for cut&paste.
ScreenBufferSize columns + lines*65536
ScreenColors Background color followed by foreground color. Compare with PopupColors
VirtualTerminalLevel The level of VT support provided by the Windows Console Host
WindowAlpha Opacity of the window (0x4d … 0xff)
WindowPosition Y + X*65536. If not set, use auto position
WindowSize width + height*65536
WordDelimiters A list of characters that delimit words, for example .-/\=|,()[]{}
This values appeear also in subkeys such as %SystemRoot%_system32_cmd.exe.

Change some settings with a PowerShell script


# .\settings.ps1 '%SystemRoot%_System32_WindowsPowerShell_v1.0_powershell.exe' `
  .\settings.ps1 (get-process -pid $pid).path `
      -winW 200 -winH   70                    `
                -bufH 9999                    `
      -font  'Lucida Console'                 `
      -fontH  12


param (
  [parameter(mandatory=$true )] [String] $exePath,
  [parameter(mandatory=$false)] [Int16 ] $winH,
  [parameter(mandatory=$false)] [Int16 ] $winW,
  [parameter(mandatory=$false)] [Int16 ] $bufH,
  [parameter(mandatory=$false)] [String] $font,
  [parameter(mandatory=$false)] [Int16 ] $fontH,
  [parameter(mandatory=$false)] [Int16 ] $fontW

set-strictMode -version 2

#  Registry key name is path of exe for which the
#  settings are stored.
#  However, registry keys don't allow backslashes. Thus,
#  they need to be replaced by underscores:
$regKey = 'HKCU:\Console\' + $exePath.replace('\', '_')
write-verbose "regKey = $regKey"

#   Create registry key. Do nothing if it already exists.
new-item $regKey -errorAction ignore

if ( $psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('winH') -and
     $psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('winW') ) {

   write-verbose "Set Window size to: $winW x $winH"
   $null = set-itemProperty $regKey WindowSize       (65536 * $winH + $winW) -force

if ( $psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('BufH') ) {

   if ( -not $psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('winW') ) {
      write-warning "winW is not specified"
   else {

    # It rarely makes sense to have a buffer width that is different from the window width.
      $bufW = $winW

      write-verbose "Set buffer size to: $bufW x $bufH"
      $null = set-itemProperty $regKey ScreenBufferSize (65536 * $bufH + $bufW) -force


if ( $psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('font') ) {

   switch ($font) {
      { $_ -in 'Consolas', 'Lucida Console' } {
         write-verbose "setting fontFamily to 54"
         $fontFamily =  54 #  0x36

       # It seems that fontWeight is necessary for fontFamily 54
         write-verbose "setting fontWeight to 400"
         $fontWeight = 400
         $null = set-itemProperty $regKey FontWeight $fontWeight -force
      'Terminal' {
         write-verbose "setting fontFamily to 48"
         $fontFamily = 48 #  0x30
      Default {
        write-warning "Unknown font $font"

   $null = set-itemProperty $regKey FontFamily  $fontFamily  -force
   $null = set-itemProperty $regKey FaceName    $font        -force
if ( $psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('fontH') ) {

 # It seems that the width of the font is only required if $fontFamily is 48
   $null = set-itemProperty $regKey FontSize (65536 * $fontH + $fontW) -force

Github repository about-Windows-Registry, path: /HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Console/settings.ps1

Change some settings with cmd.exe

@ rem QuickEdit
@ rem --------
@ rem    Setting it to 1 allows to copy text from the console
@ rem    by selecting it with the mouse and then pressing
@ rem    the enter key
@ reg add HKCU\Console /v QuickEdit /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
Github repository about-Windows-Registry, path: /HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Console/changeSettings.bat

Set the console's host width and height

The following batch file sets the console's host width and height.
There are two registry values that store width and height for the console host: WindowSize and ScreenBufferSize. The former specifies for the actual displayed size on the screen while the latter controls the internally stored size of buffer.
The new height must be multiplied with 65536 and then the width needs to be added. The script accomplishies that using the set /a command.
@set newWindowWidth=200
@set newWindowHeight=80

@set newScreenBufferWidth=%newWindowWidth%
@set newScreenBufferHeight=9999

@set /a newWindowSize=      (65536 * %newWindowHeight%       + %newWindowWidth%      )
@set /a newScreenBufferSize=(65536 * %newScreenBufferHeight% + %newScreenBufferWidth%)

@echo newWindowSize       = %newWindowSize%
@echo newScreenBufferSize = %newScreenBufferSize%

@reg add HKCU\Console /v WindowSize       /t REG_DWORD /d %newWindowSize%       /f
@reg add HKCU\Console /v ScreenBufferSize /t REG_DWORD /d %newScreenBufferSize% /f
Github repository about-Windows-Registry, path: /HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Console/setWidthAndHeight.bat
See also Setting the size of cmd.exe


Setting this value to 1 allows for colored output in a VBS Script.

See also

Many (if not all of the) values that can be stored under HKCU\console can also be stored in the NT_CONSOLE_PROPS.
Some (all?) settings (such as if a selection is selected block or line-wise) can be overwritten in %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\System Tools\Command Prompt.lnk.
Compare with HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor.


Rich Tuerner: Understanding Windows Console Host Settings


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