all | |
bti[tle] | |
con_id , con_name | The id/name of the container to which the user is conneted. Compare with show pdbs |
edition | The edition attribute of the database |
errors [ {analytic view | attribute dimension | hierarchy | function | procedure | package | package body | trigger | view | type | type body | dimension | java class } [schema.]name] | Compilation errors |
history | |
lno | |
lobpref[etch] | |
parameter [param-pattern] | The value of init parameters that match param-pattern . |
pdbs | Display the names, ids, mode and restriction status of the Pluggable Databases in the Consolidated database to which the user is connected. Compare with show con_id and show con_name . (Only available with SYSDBA privileges, otherwise SP2-0382: The SHOW PDBS command is not available is thrown. |
pno | Current pagenumber |
recyc[lebin] | Objects in the recycle bin that can be undeleted with the flashback before drop statement. Compare with select * fromĀ user_recyclebin . |
[original_name] | |
rel[ease] | |
repf[ooter] | |
reph[eader] | |
rowpref[etch] | The number of rows that SQL*Plus will prefetch from the database at one time (see also set rowprefetch ) |
sga | Compare with select * from v$sga . |
spoo[l] | |
spparameter[s] [parameter_name] | Like parameter , but for all instances. |
sqlcode | |
statementc[ache] | |
tti[tle] | |
user | The name of the user currently connected to SQL*Plus. |
xquery | |