Search notes:


The select statement is used to get data stored in tables.

Oracle 23c: No table (dual) required anymore

Prior to Oracle 23c, the select statement required at least one table to select from. In order to evaluate an expression, this table typically was dual:
   sysdate as this_moment,
   7*6     as result
With 23c, dual is not needed anymore:
   sysdate as this_moment,
   7*6     as result;

See also

SQL clauses related to the select statement include: but see also the pivot and the model clause.
analytic functions
hierarchical queries
TOP N queries: selecting first n rows / paging.
create table … as select …
insert into … select …
Select a sample of records from a table.
Selecting from SQL macro tables
Oracle SQL
The column pq_status in v$session shows if parallel query mode is enabled in a particular session.
The result of a select statement might be (dynamically) stored in a materialized view.
The OraOLEDB specific connection string attribute MetaDataCacheSize
The pseudo column rownum assigns a row number to each record returned by a select statement.
The SELECT STATEMENT plan operation.
The SQL*Plus COPY command copies the result of a select statement to another database.
The SQL*Plus value of arraysize specifies the number or records that SQL*Plus fetches from the database.
The value of rowlimit specifies the maximum number or records that are displayed (not that are fetched).
Virtual Private Database
