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PowerShell cmdLet Get-ChildItem

get-childItem returns a list of items and childItems of a given location.
get-childItem -path p:\ath\to\dir
get-childItem -path p:\ath\to\dir        -filter  *.txt
get-childItem -path p:\ath\to\dir\*      -include *.txt                 # Note the star
get-childItem -path p:\ath\to\dir\*      -exclude *.dll,*.exe
get-childItem -path p:\ath\to\dir\a*\b*
get-childItem  …                         -recurse
get-childItem  …                         -file                          # return files or
get-childItem  …                         -directory                     #        directories only
get-childItem  …                         -attributes …
get-childItem  …                         -force                         # also return hidden files
get-childItem  …                         -hidden                        # return hidden files only
get-childItem  …                         -readOnly                      # return read-only files only
get-childItem  …                         -system                        # return system files only
get-childItem  …                         -name                          # return strings rather than filesystem, registry or certificate objects

List files that were modified in the last 24 hours

The following pipeline shows files (not directories) that were modified during the last 24 hours.
The forEach-object part is required to transform the returned objects into strings.
get-childItem -recurse -attributes !directory | where-object { $_.lastWriteTime -gt (get-date).addDays(-1) } | foreach-object { $_.directoryName + '\' + $ }

List files that were written at a given date or in a specific period

The following command finds files that were written at a given date, irrespective from the hour, minute or second:
get-childItem -recurse | where-object { $_.LastWriteTime.ToString('yyyy-mm-dd') -eq '2022-06-07' }
This pipieline finds .sql files that were written in the month of January of the current year:
$root = "C:\Path\to\dir

$begDt = get-date -year (get-date).year -month 1 -day 1
$endDt = get-date -year (get-date).year -month 2 -day 1

$files = get-childItem -path $root -filter *.sql -recurse | where-object { $_.lastWriteTime -ge $begDt -and $_.lastWriteTime -lt $endDt }

Sort files and directories according to modification time

The equivalent of cmd.exe's dir /od, which sorts files according to their modification date time, in PowerShell is
get-childItem | sort-object { $_.lastWriteTime }

Find items whose name contain a given pattern (globbing)

With -filter, it is possible to get a list of items whose names have a specific wildcard pattern.
The following command lists files and directories that contain il in their names:
get-childItem -filter *il*
Github repository about-PowerShell, path: /cmdlets/childItem/filter-il.ps1
As per Microsoft's documentation, only the file system provider supports filtering.

Using -filter on filename extensions

Using -filter on filename extensions is problematic. The following snippet also finds files that end in *.sql~, *.sqlx etc:
foreach ($file in get-childItem -recurse -filter *.sql) {
   write-host $file
Therefore, it is (probably) better to use -include rather than -filter.


-include allows to specify an array of filename patterns that further removes items from matched files that are not matched by the filename patters.
-include only works in conjunction with at least one -recurse, -depth or -path.
Unlike -filter, -include is implemented by PowerShell.
Because -filter requires -path if -recurse and -depth are not specified, the the first of the following two commands does not return anything, but the second does (if there are *.txt files in the current directory):
get-childItem   -include *.txt
get-childItem * -include *.txt
See also the parameter -include of get-childItem.

List or exclude items with specific attributes (such as files, directories etc.)

The -attributes option allows to only list or excludeitems with a given set of attributes. The list of attributes that can be specified is that of System.IO.FileAttributes.
For example, to list only directories, the following would do
get-childItem -attributes directory
This command can be abbreviated with:
ls -at d
The type given to the -attributes option is a System.Managment.Automation.FlagsExpression<System.IO.FileAttribute>, thus, by the power of FlagsExpression, the FileAttribute flags can be combined:
get-childItem -attributes !directory+!system+encrypted, !directory+!system+compressed

Find files whose size exceeds a given limit

The following pipeline finds files whose size exceed 100 kilobetytes.
Files (-attr !d) that match the criteria ($_.length -gt 100kb) are piped into resolve-path with the -relative to
gci -r -attr !d | ? {$_.length -gt 100kb } | % { resolve-path $_.fullName -relative }

Getting child items from a given location

By default, get-childItem returns items from the current location (get-location).
With the -path option, it is possible to get the child items from another location:
get-childItem -path $env:temp -recurse -name
The explicit text -path can be omitted, so that the following command is equivalent:
get-childItem $env:temp -recurse -name

Returned type of get-childItem

If get-childItem is invoked in a file system drive, get-childItem returns an array of System.IO.DirectoryInfo and System.IO.FileInfo objects, both of which derive from System.IO.FileSystemInfo.
If used in a drive that accesses the registry, it returns an array of Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey objects.
The fact that get-childItem returns specific objects turns out to be problematic if these objects are compared with comparison operators (such as -eq) to a string. The following probably won't do what the author expected to do:
foreach ($file in get-childItem *) {
   if ($file -eq "readme.txt") {
In order to have get-childItem return an array of strings, it must be invoked with the -name argument.

Let get-childItem return strings with -name

When get-childItem is invoked with the -name parameter, the cmdLet returns an array of strings rather then specialized types for the child items.
This is especially useful to get a more readable (imho) output, especially when combined with -recurse (in which case it behaves like the good old cmd.exe command dir /b …).

Querying child items from another provider (such as the registry, environment variables etc.)

Usually, get-childItem is used to list files and directories. However, it can also list items from a non file system provider by prepending the path with the provider and a colon.
The following command lists all environment variables that contain user in their names:
get-childItem env:*user*
The previous command is of course just an abbreviation that omits the -path attribute and is equivalent to
get-childItem -path env:*user*
Listing items from the registry is possible with
get-childItem 'HKCU:\AppEvents\Schemes' -recurse -name
Alternatively, it is also possible to change the location into another provider so that the provider does not need to be prefixed anymore:
set-location hkcu:
get-childItem appEvents\Schemes

Find git repositories

The following pipeline finds git repositories (or more accurately directories that contain a subdirectory named .git).
get-childItem -recurse -directory | foreach-object { if (test-path -pathType container "$($_.fullName)/.git"){ $_.FullName } }
The same idea, but limiting it to git repositories whose (directory name) are matched by the glob *erm*:
get-childItem -recurse -directory -include *erm* | foreach-object { if (test-path -pathType container "$($_.fullName)/.git"){ $_.FullName } }


ls and dir are aliases for get-childItem.

See also

The method GetItem() in System.Management.Automation.Provider.ItemCmdletProvider.
Powershell command noun: childItem
Iterating over a list of files in a directory with foreach.
Combining get-childItem and resolve-path -relative to obtain a list of relative file names beneath the current directory.


Thomas Lee's -filter vs -include in get-childItem
