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PowerShell: Drive

A PowerShell drive is an abstraction for a data store where the stored data can be accessed in a file system like manner. Two prominent examples of such stores are file systems and the registry.
A drive contains two generic types of objects: items and item properties.
In the file system provider, an item is a file or a directory.
The command noun used for working with drives is psDrive.


Some drives (such as those whose providers are Registry or Filesystem) have a current location.
This location is shown, for example, in the property CurrentLocation with the cmdlet get-psDrive -psProvider fileSystem.
See also the command noun location.


The cmdlet that allows to see the currently available drives is get-psDrive.
A new drive is created with new-psDrive.
Generic cmdlets to work with a drive's content are
The location (which is the PowerShell lingo for path) within (or of) a drive is (not very surprisingly) set with set-location.


The WSMan drive (which seems to be related to the WinRM service).
PS C:\> ls wsman:\localhost

See also

The get-psDrive cmdlet
The preference variable $maximumDriveCount
Drives exist in a scope.
System.Management.Automation.PSDriveInfo exposes the .NET interface to a drive.
