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PowerShell cmdLet Get-Date

The cmdLet get-date returns a System.DateTime struct.
Without argument, get-date returns the date/time that corresponds to «now».
The cmdLet can be given a ISO 8601 string to specify an arbitrary date.

Formatting dates into strings

The -format option allows to format a date in strftime like fashion.
In the following example, the format specifiers, except K, are imho self explanotary. The K stands for the Time zone offset from UTC
$formattedDate = get-date -format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss (K)'
write-output "formattedDate = $formattedDate"
Github repository about-PowerShell, path: /cmdlets/date/get/format.ps1
These commands might print something like
formattedDate = 2019-11-25 10-36-12 (+01:00)
A complete list of format specifiers is found at .NET documentation.

Subtracting one date from another

Subtracting one System.DateTime from another returns a System.TimeSpan struct.
This is useful to determine the elapsed time between two point in times:
$now  = get-date

write-output "Day: $($, month: $($now.month), year: $($now.year)"
#  Day: 14, month: 10, year: 2019

write-output "Hour: $($now.hour), minute: $($now.minute), second: $($now.second)"
#  Hour: 8, minute: 2, second: 55

#  Use ISO 8601 format to specify a given (fixed) date:
$then = get-date '2019-08-28T14:15:16'

#  Determine difference between now and then
$diff = $now - $then
#  System.TimeSpan

write-output "Days between then and now: $($diff.days)"
#  Days between then and now: 46
Github repository about-PowerShell, path: /cmdlets/date/get/basic.ps1

Adding a System.TimeSpan to a date

Conversely, its possible to add a System.TimeSpan to a System.DateTime object to obtain a new point in time.
A time span is explicitly created with the new-timeSpan.
$now       = get-date
$duration  = new-timeSpan -days 2 -hours 3 -minutes 14 -seconds 22

$now + $duration
Github repository about-PowerShell, path: /cmdlets/date/get/add-explicit.ps1
A time span can also be created implicitly with a string in dd.hh:mm:ss format:
$now = get-date

$now + '2.03:14:22'
Github repository about-PowerShell, path: /cmdlets/date/get/add-implicit.ps1

See also

The shell command date
Powershell command noun: date
