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Windows: Performance Counters

Performance Counters collect data and information related to System resources such as CPU, memory, I/O etc.
The collected data is supposed to help administrators and developers improve performance of system or application.


Consumer A software that uses the collected data, such as the built-in tools Task manager, typeperf.exe, Resource monitor, Performance monitor, logman.exe or relog.exe.
Provider A software that creates the data which might or might not be used by a consumer. There are V1 and V2 providers.
Counterset A group of performance data of one provider
Counter A single piece of collected data. A counter has a name and a type
Counter value The 32-bit or 64-bit value of a Counter.
Instance An «entity» about which data (Counter values) is collected. An instance has a name.

See also

A PowerShell script to get all performance counters.
Performance Counters must not be confuseed with the QueryPerformanceCounter WinAPI function.
ctrpp.exe is a pre-processor that parses and validates a Performance Counter V2 manifest.
pcw.sys is the driver for performance counters.w
