activeElement | |
adoptedStyleSheets | |
adoptNode() | |
afterscriptexecute | Event Non-standard |
alinkColor | Deprecated |
all | Deprecated |
anchors | Deprecated |
append() | |
applets | Deprecated |
beforescriptexecute | Event Non-standard |
bgColor , fgColor | Deprecated |
body | Compare with document.documentElement |
caretPositionFromPoint() | |
caretRangeFromPoint() | Non-standard |
characterSet | |
childElementCount | |
children | |
clear() | Deprecated |
close() | |
compatMode | Returns the browser's rendering mode. |
contentType | |
cookie | Read and write cookies associated with the document. See also the Set-Cookie response and Cookie request HTTP headers and the (preferred) Cookie Store Web API. |
copy | Event |
createAttribute() | |
createAttributeNS() | |
createCDATASection() | |
createComment() | |
createDocumentFragment() | |
createElement() | Compare with createTextNode() |
createElementNS() | |
createEvent() | |
createExpression() | |
createNodeIterator() | |
createNSResolver() | |
createProcessingInstruction() | |
createRange() | |
createTextNode() | Compare with createElement() |
createTouch() | Non-standard, Deprecated |
createTouchList() | Non-standard, Deprecated |
createTreeWalker() | |
currentScript | Returns the currently running <script> tag and is not a JavaScript module. Compare with scripts . |
cut , paste | Event |
defaultView | In browsers, defaultView returns a window object. |
designMode | |
dir | |
doctype | |
documentElement | Usually the HTMLHtmlElement that represents the document's <html> element. Compare with document.body |
documentURI | Compare with window.location |
domain | Deprecated |
DOMContentLoaded | Event, compare with window.onload . |
elementFromPoint() | |
elementsFromPoint() | |
embeds | |
enableStyleSheetsForSet() | Non-standard, Deprecated |
evaluate() | |
Events | |
execCommand() | Deprecated. See also the Clipboard Web API. |
exitFullscreen() | |
exitPictureInPicture() | |
exitPointerLock() | |
featurePolicy | Experimental |
firstElementChild | |
fonts | |
forms | |
fullscreen | Deprecated |
fullscreenchange | Event |
fullscreenElement | |
fullscreenEnabled | |
fullscreenerror | Event |
getAnimations() | |
getElementById() | Returns the Element whose id attribute is equal to the value passed as parameter. See also this example. |
getElementsByClassName() | |
getElementsByName() | Returns an array (a NodeList ) of HTML elements whose name attribute has the specified value. See also this example. |
getElementsByTagName() | Returns an array (a HTMLCollection ) of HTML elements whose name is specified in the argument. See also this example. |
getElementsByTagNameNS() | |
getSelection() | |
hasFocus() | |
hasStorageAccess() | |
head | |
hidden | |
images | |
implementation | |
importNode() | |
Instance methods | |
lastElementChild | |
lastModified | |
lastStyleSheetSet | Non-standard, Deprecated |
linkColor | Deprecated |
links | An HTMLCollection of all <area> and <a> elements with a value for the href attribute. |
location | |
lostpointercapture | Event |
mozSetImageElement() | Non-standard |
mozSyntheticDocument | Non-standard |
msCapsLockWarningOff | Non-standard |
mssitemodejumplistitemremoved | Event Non-standard |
msthumbnailclick | Event Non-standard |
open() | |
origin | Non-standard, Deprecated |
pictureInPictureElement | |
pictureInPictureEnabled | |
plugins | |
pointerlockchange | Event |
pointerLockElement | |
pointerlockerror | Event |
preferredStyleSheetSet | Non-standard, Deprecated |
prepend() | |
queryCommandEnabled() | Non-standard, Deprecated |
queryCommandState() | Non-standard, Deprecated |
queryCommandSupported() | Non-standard, Deprecated |
querySelector() / querySelectorAll() | Selects the first/all elements that match a given CSS selector. Compare with development/web/DOM/interfaces-mixins/Element].querySelector and Element.querySelectorAll`. |
readyState | |
readystatechange | Event |
referrer | |
registerElement() | Non-standard, Deprecated |
releaseCapture() | Non-standard |
replaceChildren() | |
requestStorageAccess() | |
rootElement | Deprecated |
scripts | The list of the document's <script> elements. Compare with currentScript . |
scroll | Event |
scrollingElement | |
selectedStyleSheetSet | Non-standard, Deprecated |
selectionchange | Event |
styleSheets | A list (StyleSheetList ) of CSSStyleSheet objects. See also this example |
styleSheetSets | Non-standard, Deprecated |
timeline | |
title | |
URL | |
visibilitychange | Event |
visibilityState | |
vlinkColor | Deprecated |
write() | |
writeln() | |
xmlEncoding | Deprecated |
xmlVersion | Deprecated |