Search notes:

HTML elements

<!--...--> Replaced A Comment
<address> is used to indicate contact information for is nearest <article> or <body> ancestor.
<audio> sometimes
<blockquote> represents a section that is quoted from another source.
<canvas> sometimes
<cite> represents a title of work.
<dl>, <dt> and <dd>
<details> : the visibility of its content can be toggled by the users.
<dl>, <dt> and <dd>
<dl>, <dt> and <dd>
<embed> yes
<head> contains the metadata about the document.
<iframe> yes
<img> yes data URIs, determining width and height with javascript.
<input> special allows the user of a web page to input values for processing locally with JavaScript or to be submitted to the webserver.
<link> allows authors to link a document to other resources.
<noscript> compare with <script>
<object> sometimes
<option> sometimes
<script> compare with <noscript>
<select> allows to define a drop down list from which a user can select a value.
<source> Specifies the media resource for <picture>, <audio> or <video>.
<video> yes for example to render a webcam stream in a HTML page.
<wbr> marks a position with a word break opportunity.
(Semantic) elements to structure a page into sections are
Some elements are so-called void elements: area, base, br, col, embed, hr, img, input, link, meta, source, track, wbr.
script and style are raw text elements.

Replaced elements

The CSS specification makes mention of a replaced element. The rendering of replaced elements is not dictated by the CSS model. A typical example for a replaced element are the <img> or <video> element.
The object-fit CSS property defines how the content of a replaced element should be resized to fit its container.

See also

The elements section in the living standard.
In CSS, a HTML tag can be associated with multiple classes.
In JavaScript, a HTML tag can be dynamically created with document.createElement and added to the DOM tree with an element's appendChild() method.
PHP's function strip_tags to strip HTML tags from a text variable.
HTML tags in the R package shiny.
The DOCTYPE declaration <!DOCTYPE html>, which technically is not a tag.
In the DOM(?), the HTML elements inherit from HTMLElement.
Determining an HTML element's CSS property value with JavaScript
Because < and > denote an element in a HTML document, these characters need to be «escaped» with an entity.


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