appendChild() | See also removeChild() and insertBefore() |
baseURI | The read only baseURI property resolves to the base URL of the document containing the node and is used to resolve relative <img src="…"> or SVG-href paths to absolute paths. By default, the value corresponds to window.location or, if present, to a HTML document's <base href="…"> value. |
childNodes | A NodeList |
cloneNode() | |
compareDocumentPosition() | |
contains() | |
firstChild | |
getRootNode() | |
hasChildNodes() | |
insertBefore() | See also appendChild() and removeChild() |
isConnected | |
isDefaultNamespace() | |
isEqualNode() | |
isSameNode() | |
isSupported() | Deprecated |
lastChild | |
lookupNamespaceURI() | |
lookupPrefix() | |
nextSibling | |
nodeName | |
nodeType | An integer that tells by which class the node is implemented1: ELEMENT_NODE (class Element ), 2: ATTRIBUTE_NODE (class Attr ), 3: TEXT_NODE (class Text ), 4: CDATA_SECTION_NODE (class CDATASection ), 7: PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE (class ProcessingInstruction , XML documents only), 8: COMMENT_NODE (class Comment ), 9: DOCUMENT_NODE (class Document ), 10: DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE (class: DocumentType ), 11: DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE (class: DocumentFragment ). See also this DOM example |
nodeValue | |
normalize() | |
ownerDocument | The top-level Document object of the node. |
parentElement | |
parentNode | |
previousSibling | |
removeChild() | See also appendChild() and insertBefore() |
replaceChild() | |
selectstart | Event |
textContent | See also HTMLElement.innerText . |